Courses at
Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics
- Digital Technology 0800-TECYFR
- Digital vision systems 0800-AR2CSWIZ
- Diploma proseminar 0800-PA-DIPROS
- Diploma seminar 0800-PA-DIPSEM
- Discrete Mathematics 0800-MDYS
- Distributed Control Systems 0800-ROSYST-Lab
- Distributed Control Systems 0800-ROSYST-Wyk
- Doctoral Seminar (Erasmus students) 0800-DOCSEM
- Dosimetry 0800-DOZY
- Electrical machines and drives 0800-MEUN-Lab
- Electrical motors and drives 0800-MEUN-Wyk
- Electricity and magnetism 0800-ELEMAG
- Electrodynamics and field theory 0800-PA-ELFIELD
- Electronics 0800-POEL
- Elements of group theory 0800-ELEGRUP
- Elements of Quantum Informatics 0800-ELINKW
- Elements of spectra line shapes theory 0800-M-ELSPELIS
- Embedded systems 0800-AR2SWBUD
- Engineering Laboratory 0800-PRACINŻ-1
- Engineering Practice 0800-PRAKTI
- Engineering proseminar 0800-PROSINŻ
- Engineering Seminar 0800-SEMINŻ
- Engineering Thermodynamics 0800-TERMOTECH
- Experimental Nanoscience 0800-M-EXNAN
- Extragalactic astronomy 0800-ASPOGAL
- Eye and optometric instruments 0800-OKPROP
- Formal languages and automata 0800-JFA
- Foundations and Algorithms of Signal Processing 0800-ALTES
- FPGA programming 0800-PROFPGA
- From complex chemistry to new physics 0800-PA-COMCHEM
- Fundamentals of Automation 0800-POAUT
- Fundamentals of programming 0800-POPROG1
- Fundamentals of programming 2 0800-POPROG2
- Fundamentals of robotics 0800-POROB
- Fuzzy logic 0800-AR2LOGRO
- Fuzzy logic 0800-LOGRO
- Galaxies: formation and evolution 0800-PA-GALAX
- General astronomy 0800-ASTROG
- General Physics 2 - Electricity and Magnetism 0800-FOG2
- General Physics 4 – matter physics 0800-FOG4
- General physics for automation 0800-FAR-1
- General physics for automation, part 2 0800-FAR-2
- General Physics I - Mechanics 0800-FOG1
- General physisc for informatics 0800-FIZINF-1
- General relativity 0800-PA-GENREL
- Gravitational-wave progenitors 0800-M-GRAVPROG
- High Energy Astrophysics 0800-PA-HENERGY
- High Energy Astrophysics 0800-ASWEN
- High Energy Universe 0800-WWE
- High Time Resolution Astrophysics 0800-M-HITRA
- Individual engineering-projects laboratory 0800-IENGPRO
- Industrial networks and data buses 0800-AR2MAGIS
- Industrial robot systems 0800-AR2ROBPRZEM
- Innovation 0800-TWINN
- Innovative methods of teaching 0800-M-NOTEPROZ
- Installations and Electrical Devices 0800-IUE
- Intellectual Property Rights 0800-OPA
- Intelligent Image Processing 0800-INANOB
- Interdyscyplinary didactics of mathematics and natural sciences 0800-OG-INTERDYD
- Intermediate project 0800-AR2PROJ
- Introduction to astrobiology 0800-ASTROBIO
- Introduction to astrophysics 0800-PA-INASTRA
- Introduction to chaos theory 0800-WTECHA
- Introduction to density functional theory 0800-INDEFUT
- Introduction to gravitational waves 0800-WFGRAW
- Introduction to open quantum systems 0800-INQUAN
- Introduction to Optical Systems Design 0800-WPROSOP-1
- Introduction to Optical Systems Design 0800-WPROSOP-2
- Introduction to programming in python 0800-INPROPYT
- Introduction to spectral line shapes theory 0800-M-INSPELIS
- Introduction to Studying 0800-WDOS
- Introduction to tomography 0800-WTOMO
- Introduction to UNIX System 0800-WSUNIX
- Introduction to User Experience 0800-WUX
- Is it safe?- Electronic data and computer systems security 0800-OG-BEZP
- Laboratory of optical engineering 0800-PRAINOPT
- Laboratory of Technical Physics and Engineering&Informatics in Biophysics 0800-PFTIBI
- Laboratory of technology and materials engineering 0800-PTIMAT
- Laboratory team 0800-PRZESP
- LabView 0800-15KKL-DW
- Laser Optics 0800-OPTLAS
- Machine learning 0800-UMASZ
- Master Laboratory - part 1 0800-PRACMGR-1
- Master Laboratory - part 2 0800-PRACMGR-2
- Master Laboratory - part 2 0800-PRACMGR-2-IBI
- Master Proseminar 0800-PROSMGR
- Master Seminar 0800-SEMMGR
- Master Seminar 0800-AR2SEMMGR
- Mathematical Analysis 0800-ANMAT1
- Mathematical Analysis 0800-ANMAT2
- Mathematical Methods in Astronomy 0800-MMA
- Mathematical Methods in Physics 0800-MMF
- Mechanical Modeling with SolidWorks Simulation 0800-KK-MMSOLID
- Methodological practice (at school) 0800-PRAKTMETOD
- Methodological practice 2 (at school) 0800-PRAKTMETOD-2
- Methods for materials characterization 0800-MMC
- Microprocessor-Based Control Systems 0800-SYSMIK-Lab
- Microprocessor-Based Control Systems 0800-SYSMIK-Wyk
- Microprocessors and microprocessor technolog 0800-MITEMI
- Mobile Application Development 0800-PROGUMO