Courses at
Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
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- (in Polish) Jak humanistyka oswaja technologię, przestrzeń miasta i ciało 2402-MISH-HOT
- (in Polish) Problemy współczesnej rodziny 2403-PE-208-OWs1
- (in Polish) Metodyka pracy opiekuńczo-wychowawczej 2403-PE-209-OWs1
- (in Polish) Advanced statistics 2401-CS-11-AS-s2uz.
- (in Polish) Podstawy biologii człowieka 2401-K-MF-ZU
- (in Polish) Wprowadzenie do edukacji dorosłych 2403-PE-113-s1w
- (in Polish) Konwersatorium specjalistyczne: Niewygodne tematy. O czym nie mówimy i dlaczego? 2402-F-S1-NT
- (in Polish) Lektury filozoficzne: Niewygodne tematy. O czym nie mówimy i dlaczego? 2402-F-S2-NT
- (in Polish) Pracownia EEG 2401-K-MF-PEEG
- (in Polish) Statystyka w Psychologii : Analiaza mediacji i moderacji 2404-P-MF-SwP-sj
- (in Polish) Opieka naukowa nad studentami MISH-S (1. rok) 2402-MISH-S-1-ONNS
- (in Polish) Anatomia fake newsa 2401-D-s1/s2-AFN
- Learning Training 2403-PE-229-SZs1
- A Libertarian Theory of Justice 2400-OG-EN-LTJ
- A Little Ethics, or Morality without Pathos 2400-OG-MEMP
- About listening 2401-D-s1/s2-OS
- Academic Skills 2400-OG-EN-AS
- Aesthetics 2400-OG-EN-AES
- Agency journalism 2401-D-s1/s2-DA
- American society in the spotlight 2400-OG-EN-ASS
- An Introduction to Conservation Psychology: Exploring Psychology's Role in Environmental Conservation 2400-OG-EN-AICP
- Anthropological Perspective on Everyday Life 2400-OG-EN-APEL
- Art therapy 2403-PE-205-PPWs2
- At the roots of feminism in Poland 2403-OG-UŹFwP
- Basis of Enterprise 2403-301-PRSs1
- Basis of Gerontology 2403-307-PRSs1
- Bioethics and the Axiology of Medicine 2400-OG-BIAM
- Biological Foundation of Behaviour- practical classes 2401-K-S1-1F-BPZ
- Child care and upbringing throughout history 2403-OG-OiWD
- Child health prevention 2403-PE-209-PPWs2
- Classes, nations, capitalism. Global social history XVIII to XX cent 2400-OG-KNK
- Climate Change and the Lethargy of the Anthropocene 2400-OG-ZKMA
- Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis 2400-OG-EN-CAQDA
- Consciousness from cognitive point of view 2401-OG-EN-CFCP
- Contemporary problems of adult education 2403-PE-322-s1
- Corporate identity in graphic design 2400-OG-EN-CIiGD
- Culture Animation 2403-PE-306-SZs1
- Data, Technology and Society 2401-OG-EN-DTaS
- Designing of Education Offers 2403-OG-POE
- Development of Social Skills 2403-OG-RUS
- Diagnosis of domestic violence 2403-205-PD-PRSs1
- Disability Phenomena in Generational and Procreative Families 2403-OG-EN-DPGPF
- Economic sociology 2400-OG-EN-ES
- Education 2403-WFiS-s2-12
- Education to Equality 2403-PE-316-SZs1
- Education using information technologies 2403-PE-208-PPWs2
- Ethics in Social Work 2403-318-PRSs1
- European systems of the resocialisation 2403-PE-312-Rs1
- Evil and Suffering in Western Philosophy. Selected Concepts 2402-OG-ZIC
- Fallible inferences: heuristics, paradoxes, fallacies 2400-OG-WZHPS
- False Memories. Can We Trust our Memories? 2401-K-MF-FP
- Feminism: theories and applications 2400-OG-FTIZ
- Field research methods: Researching disability cultures 2403-OG-EN-FRMR
- Food Studies 2400-OG-EN-FS
- Freedom of Thought and Expression amongst Other Human Rights 2401-OG-EN-FoT
- From blind gynecologysts to antivaxers. Social aspects of medicine 2400-OG-OSGA
- From humors to antivaxers. Social aspects of medicine 2400-OG-OHDA
- From Science to Business: how to transfer knowledge and technology from academia to economy? 2400-OG-EN-FSB
- Gamification - learning and fun 2403-OG-GwE
- Gender inequalities today 2400-OG-EN-GIT
- Gender Problem in Science. Theories and Practice 2400-OG-EN-GPTSP
- Globalisation & Regionalization 2403-PE-300-Rs1
- Great Leaders and Their Great Speeches 2401-OG-EN-GL
- Great Leaders and Their Great Speeches 2401-OG-WP
- Group management 2403-PE-321a-SZs1
- Health Education 2403-321-PRSs1
- History of magazines for children and youth 2403-OG-HCDM
- How do the computers work? An Introduction to the Theory of Computation 2404-P-MF-JDK
- Human Rights and Journalism 2401-OG-EN-HRJ
- Information Searching 2401-OG-EN-IS
- Information Visualisation 2401-AI-WI-3MW-s1
- Innovations in early childhood education 2403-PE-200-PPWs2
- Institutions supporting women in crisis 2403-203-PD-PRSs1
- Integration of care at the end of life and after loss. Best practices of integrated end of life care in Europe 2403-OG-EN-ICFPB
- Interactive art 2401-P-MF-SZI
- Interactive media in the education process 2403-OG-IMwPE
- Interpersonal level of explanation of mind and cognitive abilities 2404-P-MF-MPWUZP
- Introduction to Ancient Philosophy 2400-OG-EN-IAP
- Introduction to Buddhism in the Modern World 2400-OG-EN-BWŚ
- Introduction to Migration Studies 2400-OG-EN-AIMS
- Introduction to non-classical logics 2400-OG-EN-ICL
- Introduction to Political Philosophy 2400-OG-EN-IPPH
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion 2400-OG-WdFR
- Journalists and Media Owners in the World 2401-OG-EN-JM
- Killing and Letting Die 2400-OG-EN-KLD
- Lamus – lapidarium – laboratory. On genealogy of language of morality and ethics 2400-OG-LLJME
- Law of Associations 2403-314-PRSs1
- Legal bases of resocialisation 2403-PE-314-Rs1
- Legal procedures towards perpetrators and victims of domestic violence 2403-207-PD-PRSs1
- LGBT+ People and World of Work 2400-OG-EN-LGBT
- Literature for Children 2403-PE-202-PPWs2
- Logic as a Tool 2400-OG-EN-LT
- Logic of knowledge, norms and actions 2400-OG-EN-LoK
- Media, Politics and Globalization 2401-OG-EN-MPG
- Medicalization of public discourse 2401-P-MF-MDP
- Memory psychology for non-psychologists 2404-OG-PP
- Men, Masculinities and Difference 2400-OG-EN-MMD
- Methodology of Gerontology 2403-319-PRSs1
- Methods and techniques of social research I 2405-S-2Z-S1-MITB-w
- Methods of supporting women in crisis 2403-204-PD-PRSs1
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