Field research methods: Researching disability cultures 2403-OG-EN-FRMR
1. Theoretical anthropological and pedagogical contexts of qualitative research within socially vulnerable groups, people with disabilities. Cases on Disability Studies.
2. Field research design and ethnographic fieldwork in disability studies. Cases about people and/or artefacts.
3. Data collection and analysis in disability cultures and inclusive spaces. Cases about observations and Informants with disabilities.
4. Research reports in disability studies: case studies, ethnographies, digital ethnographies, focus groups. Cases about real and digital fieldwork.
5. Researching sensitive topics in digital disability fieldwork. Cases about hate and hate crime.
6. Researcher fieldwork dilemmas. Cases about biases, failures, and burdens.
7. Rapport building in disability fieldwork. Cases about ethics and gatekeeping.
ORGANIZATION OF THE REMOTE FRMRDC Lecture meetings in the winter semester
1. Schedule of MS Teams lecture meetings on EVERY SECOND FRIDAY:
1. Schedule of MS Teams lecture meetings on EVERY SECOND FRIDAY
1/ 4. October 9:45 -11:15 am
2/ 18. October 9:45 -11:15 am
3/ 1. November — Holiday
4/ 15. November 9:45 -11:15 am
5/ 29. November 9:45 - 11:15 am
6/ 13. December 9:45 - 11:15 am
7/ 10. January 2025 9:45 -11:15 am
8/ 24. January 2025 9:45–11:15 am — Grading day.
2. The 15h lecture meetings will be blocked into: 7 meetings 90 minutes.
3. The FRMRDC lecture in the winter semester takes place REMOTELY, in synchronous form (schedule hours with the USOS), like a teleconference, using the MS TEAMS tool.
4. The lecture is held always REMOTELY All elements and the detailed work mode as well as options and conditions of the examination (project) will be provided and discussed at the first lecture meeting in October.
5. Please set up personal accounts in Office 365, which will allow me to add you to the FRMRDC Lecture Group on MS TEAMS
a. Activate the account via the website,
b. Log in to the lecture using the generated Microsoft account,
c. Please write down your login details, i.e. login, and password.
Access CODE to the lecture in the FRMRDC Group on MS Teams: (will be announced before October)
ONLINE SCHEDULE for lecture meetings 15h/ MS Teams FRMRDC Group: (will be announced before October)
To your knowledge. Please keep in mind:
Only when the UCI — Informatics and Computer Department of the NCU installs the icon connecting USOS and Moodle — the lecture note will automatically appear in Moodle. So we are waiting for their actions.
Anyway, the whole lecture is carried out on MS Teams starting in October as scheduled in USOS.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
- participatory lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- classic problem-solving
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods: graded credit
- participation in lectures meetings (including options; At least 3 participations in lecture meetings are required for credit)
- designing and online oral presenting of the case field project (individual
or team) including performing a chosen observation technique
(participant or non-participant)
recorded on CD as textual-visual presentation pptx; optional essay K1, K2, S1, and
- synchronous lecture discussions
S2, CS1, CS2.
The assessment methods include:
- Used references - 25%
- The structure of the presentation pptx -25%
- Substantial level of presented content -25%
- Assessment of the competence of verbal or written content presentation -25%
Criteria for final evaluation of field projects on pptx :
- fail - under (60 %)
- satisfactory - (60 %) C
- satisfactory plus - (70 %) C+
- good - (80 %) B
- good plus - (90 %) B+
- very good - (95 -100 %) A
Practical placement
Not applicable
Basic references:
1.Hammersley M., Atkinson P., (2007) Ethnography: Principles in Practice. London: Routledge (open access)
2.Creswell J., (2011)Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research Los Angeles: SAGE
3.Angrosino M., (2005) Projects in Ethnographic Research, Long Grove: Waveand Press.
4.Barbour R., Kitzinger J., (1999) Developing Focus Group Research: Politics, Theory and Practice. London: SAGE
5.Green J., & Bloome D. (2004) Ethnography and ethnographers of and in education: A situated perspective: Macmillan Publisher.
6. Yin, R. K., (2003) Case study design. Research and methods.Washington DC: Vanderbilt University.
7. Kozinets R. (2010) Kozinets, R. (2010) Netnography. Doing Ethnographic Research Online. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Remark: Please find useful also own countries social sciences repositories for various disability studies issues needed for completing the grading assignments, or use Google books repository or google Scholar.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: