Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Institute for the Study and Conservation of Cultural Monuments
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Institute for the Study and Conservation of Cultural Monuments
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia w terenie (objazd 1 dzień) 1402-HS-12-CT-S1
- (in Polish) Film 1402-F-1L-KA-S2
- (in Polish) Teatr 1402-T-1Z-KA-S2
- (in Polish) Dzieła architektury świeckiej w układzie typologicznym 1402-I-DAŚ-P
- (in Polish) Historyczne, teoretyczne i organizacyjno-prawne aspekty ochrony zabytków 1402-I-HTO-P
- (in Polish) Wybrane zagadnienia architektury sakralnej 1402-I-WZA-P
- (in Polish) Zarys historii architektury 1402-I-ZHA-P
- (in Polish) Historyczne konstrukcje drewniane i ich problematyka konserwatorska 1402-II-HKD-P
- (in Polish) Historyczne konstrukcje murowane i ich problematyka konserwatorska 1402-II-HKM-P
- (in Polish) Historyczna stolarka architektoniczna, pokrycia dachowe i elementy wykończenia wnętrz i ich problematyka konserwatorska 1402-II-HSA-P
- (in Polish) Inwentaryzacja pomiarowo-rysunkowa zabytków 1402-II-IPR-P
- (in Polish) Metodyka badań i dokumentacji (badawczej i projektowo-konserwatorskiej) zabytków 1402-II-MB-P
- (in Polish) Ogólne zagadnienia metodologiczne badań, profilaktyki i konserwacji detalu architektonicznego i zabytków ruchomych 1402-III-OZM-P
- (in Polish) Ogólne zagadnienia metodologiczne konserwacji i restauracji zabytków architektury 1402-III-OZMK-P
- (in Polish) Praktyczne aspekty badań i konserwacji detalu architektonicznego i zabytków ruchomych 1402-III-PAB-P
- (in Polish) Prezentacja i analiza wybranych realizacji konserwatorskich Torunia 1402-III-PiAW-P
- (in Polish) Współczesne elementy związane z konserwacją zabytków architektury 1402-III-WEZ-P
- (in Polish) Wybrane problemy konserwatorskie zabytków architektury 1402-III-WPK-P
- (in Polish) Wybór specjalności malarstwo i rzeźba polichromowana 1402-MiRz-kir
- (in Polish) Wybór specjalności papier i skóra 1402-PiS-kir
- (in Polish) Wybór specjalności elementy i detal architektoniczny 1402-RK-kir
- (in Polish) Zarys problematyki konserwacji obiektów zabytkowych 1402-ZKO-2Z-S1
- (in Polish) Regionalne zabytki techniki- rozpoznanie, wstęp do problematyki konserwatorskiej oraz ich promocja 1402-RZT-3L-S1
- 3D visualization 1402-W3D-3Z-S1
- Aesthetics 1401-EST-1L-AW-SJ
- African art 1402-SA-1L-KA-S2
- Anatomy for artists (workshop) 1402-APL-1L-SJ
- Anatomy for artists (workshop) 1402-APL-1Z-SJ
- Architectural research – brick and stone architecture 1402-BAM-1L-K-S2
- Architectural research – wooden architecture 1402-BA-1L-K-S2
- Architecture and Interiors from Historical Perspective – Middle Ages and Byzantium 1401-ABiz-AW-1L-SJ
- Art and liturgy 1402-SzLit-1l-s1
- Art conservation-restoration (workshop) 1402-PKZA-6Z-PIS-SJ
- Art conservation-restoration (workshop) 1402-PKZA-5L-PIS-SJ
- Art conservation-restoration (workshop) 1402-PKZA-5Z-PIS-SJ
- Art conservation-restoration (workshop) II 1402-PKZA-6Z-RK-SJ
- Art conservation-restoration (workshop) II 1402-PKZA-5Z-RK-SJ
- Art conservation-restoration (workshop) II 1402-PKZ-4L-SJ
- Art conservation-restoration (workshop) II 1402-PKZA-5L-RK-SJ
- Art criticism workshop – architecture and design 1402-WKA-1L-KA-S2
- Art criticism workshop – fine arts 1402-WKAP-1L-KA-S2
- Art expertise in various research contexts 1402-ZS-1L-MZ-S2
- Artificial resins in conservation of monuments 1402-ŻS-RK-2Z-SJ
- Artificial resins in conservation of monuments 1402-ŻSK-2Z-SJ
- Artificial resins in conservation of painting and polychrome sculpture 1402-ŻS-M-2Z-SJ
- Artificial resins in conservation of paper and leather artefacts 1402-ŻS-PS-2Z-SJ
- Artistic issues of new media 1402-PANM-2Z-S2
- Artists' materials and techniques 1402-TTS-1L-SJ
- Asian art, 19th – 21st centuries 1402-SA-1Z-KA-S2
- Atelier for conservation of ceramics 1402-PKC-3L-SJ
- Atelier for conservation of ceramics 1402-PKC-3Z-SJ
- Atelier for conservation of ceramics 1402-PKC-4Z-SJ
- Atelier for exhibition design 1402-PPE-2Z-S2
- Atelier of chemical structure and destructive factors 1402-PBCh-4Z-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of archive material 1402-PKRMA-3L-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of easel painting 1402-PKiR-3L-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of easel painting 1402-PKiR-3Z-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of historic book block 1402-PK-3Z-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of historic book-covers 1402-PKRO-4L-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of historic book-covers 1402-PKRO-4Z-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of historic leather artefacts 1402-PKRZ-4L-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of painting on paper support 1402-PKRM-4Z-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of photographs 1402-PFO-5Z-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of polychrome sculpture 1402-PKRzP-4Z-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of polychrome sculpture 1402-PKiRRz-3L-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of polychrome sculpture 1402-PKiRRz-3Z-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of woodcarving and picture frames 1402-PKES-4L-SJ
- Atelier of conservation and restoration of woodcarving and picture frames 1402-PKES-5Z-SJ
- Atelier of conservation of historic fabrics 1402-KTZ-5Z-SJ
- Atelier of conservation of metal artefacts 1402-PKZM-4L-SJ
- Atelier of copy of Mediaeval painting 1402-PKMŚ-4L-SJ
- Atelier of copy of Mediaeval painting 1402-PKMŚ-4Z-SJ
- Atelier of painting and gilding techniques 1402-PTMiP-1L-SJ
- Atelier of sculpture 1402-PR-3L-SJ
- Atelier of sculpture 1402-PRz-1L-SJ
- Atelier of sculpture 1402-PRz-2L-SJ
- Atelier of sculpture 1402-PRz-2Z-SJ
- Atelier of sculpture 1402-PRz-3Z-SJ
- Atelier of sculpture 1402-PRz-4L-SJ
- Atelier of sculpture 1402-PRz-4Z-SJ
- Atelier of sculpture 1402-PRz-5L-SJ
- Atelier of sculpture 1402-PRz-5Z-SJ
- Atelier of traditional bookbinding techniques 1402-PTTMA-3L-SJ
- Atelier of traditional bookbinding techniques 1402-PTTMA-3Z-SJ
- Bases economic law 1402-PPG-6Z-DM
- Basics of woodcarving reconstruction 1402-PRS-3Z-SJ
- Building-site management and organisation of building process - historical approach 1402-OB-1l-s1
- Chemistry in the conservation of monuments 1402-CHE-1L-SJ
- Chemistry in the conservation of monuments 1402-CHE-1Z-SJ
- Concepts of modern art - painting and sculpture 1402-ZSMR-3L-S1
- Conservation and restoration of metal artefacts 1402-KZM-4L-SJ
- Conservation and restoration of metal artefacts 1402-KZM-4Z-SJ
- Conservation and restoration of the monuments of architecture 1402-KRZA-1L-K-S2
- Conservation and restoration of wooden painting supports 1402-KiRDPM-2L-SJ
- Conservation assessment and treatment report – paper and leather artefacts (workshop) 1402-DZPS-2L-SJ
- Conservation assessment and treatment report (workshop) 1402-DOK-2L-SJ
- Conservation atelier - oriental art 1402-KDO-5L-SJ
- Conservation diploma seminar 1402-SDK-6Z-SJ
- Conservation diploma seminar in conservation of Modern and Contemporary art 1402-SDK-SNW-4L-SJ
- Conservation diploma seminar in conservation of Modern and Contemporary art 1402-SDK-SNW-5L-SJ