Art conservation-restoration (workshop) II 1402-PKZ-4L-SJ
The aim of the course is to make complete conservation-restaurant of diploma conservation facility during the four semesters by the student. In the 8th summer semester the student gets acquainted with the monument handed over to him for conservation, prepares historic outline of the monument, historical and artificial description, determines the state of preservation, causes of damage, develops a detailed research project, takes samples of original and antique materials for instrumental and microchemical research, outlines a preliminary program of conservation and restoration works.
The results of simultaneous research, library, archival and museum queries as well as the project of work are regularly discussed at the Diploma of Conservation. During the semester, the student completes and learns conservation literature on the subject of monuments of analogous or similar nature, compares the applied methodology of works.
At the end of the semester, after thorough recognition of the construction and condition of the facility, after the course in the Laboratory of Technical Monument Construction, the conservation works begin. Performs preliminary tests to determine and select appropriate and safe conservation measures, tools and methods. Student begins performing treatments in accordance with the program established in cooperation with the promoter. He keeps a log of conservation works, which he uses to prepare documentation of conservation and restoration works. The work is crowned by a public presentation and defense after the completion of the 11th semester.
Term 2022/23L:
as in basic information about the subject (independent of the period) |
Term 2023/24L:
as in basic information about the subject (independent of the period) |
Term 2024/25L:
as in basic information about the subject (independent of the period) |
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- description
Exploratory teaching methods
- laboratory
- experimental
- project work
- classic problem-solving
- situational
- observation
Online teaching methods
- content-presentation-oriented methods
- evaluative methods
- methods developing reflexive thinking
- cooperation-based methods
Type of course
Course coordinators
Term 2024/25L: | Term 2023/24L: | Term 2022/23L: |
Assessment criteria
The condition for pass the course is 100% attendance. There are acceptable 2 absences due to important documented reasons. The way of verifying the effects of education and the competences obtained by the student is the correct performance of the research and conservation work by the student, keeping the conservation diary, partial preparation of the documentation, including points concerning history, stylistic description, state of preservation, construction (stratigraphy) and research part. The frequency of attendance is assessed, including punctuality and time efficiency, semi-completed documentation submitted at the end of the semester (its substantive and technical value, ie correctness of the description, proper use of professional terminology, text editing and ability to use the acquired knowledge), as well as the quality of work with a monument, including artistic and technical skills, substantive preparation, organizational efficiency, conservation awareness, independence of work and its final effects.
Practical placement
Not applicable
Dokumentacje konserwatorskie i prace magisterskie studentów ZKEiDA (biblioteka zakładu)
Dokumentacje technologiczne obiektów dyplomowych wykonywane przez studentów ZKEiDA w Zakładzie Technologii i Technik Malarskich
Zabytki kamienne i metalowe, ich niszczenie i konserwacja profilaktyczna, pod red. W. Domasłowskiego, Wyd. UMK, Toruń, 2011.
L. Czarnecki, T. Broniewski, O. Henning, Chemia w budownictwie, Arkady, Warszawa, 1996
Domasłowski W., Kęsy Lewandowska M., Łukaszewicz J. W., Badania nad konserwacją murów ceglanych, Wyd. UMK, Toruń, 1998.
Wokół zagadnień estetyki zabytku po konserwacji i restauracji, pod. red. E. Szmit-Naud, J. Rouby, J. Arszyńskiej, Wyd. NID, W-wa-Toruń 2012.
P. Niemcewicz, Aspekty estetyczne konserwacji i restauracji kamiennych obiektów zabytkowych, [w:] Wokół zagadnień estetyki zabytku po konserwacji i restauracji, pod. red. E. Szmit-Naud, J. Rouby, J. Arszyńskiej, Wyd. NID, W-wa-Toruń 2012, s. 351-364.
Konserwacja murów ceglanych. Badania i Praktyka, referaty na Ogólnopolską Konferencję w dn. 19-20.11.1999 w Toruniu, materiały pod red. B. Soldenhoff, Toruń, 1999.
P. Niemcewicz, Konserwacja wapienia dębnickiego, Wyd. UMK, 2005
Wpływ redyspergowalnych żywic proszkowych na właściwości zapraw budowlanych do celów prac konserwatorskich, L. Bujała, M. Kulesza, J. Michalak, D. Sobkowiak, BIKDS, Vol. 13 No 1-2 (48-49)2002, s. 50-55.
J. Ciabach, Żywice i tworzywa sztuczne stosowane w konserwacji zabytków, Wyd. UMK, Toruń 1998.
Rouba Bogumiła J., Zasady postępowania etycznego w ochronie dóbr kultur, [w:] BIKDS, 2000, nr 2 (41), vol. 11, s. 82-88.
I. Płuska, Międzynarodowa konferencja konserwatorska „Kraków 2000”, Karta Krakowska 2000 [w:] BIKDS, 2000, nr 4 (43), vol. 911 s. 58-65
M. Pronobis-Gajdzis, Wartościowanie obiektów zabytkowych w kontekście współpracy muzeum–konserwator i oczekiwań odbiorcy zabytku. [w:] Problemy muzeów związane z zachowaniem i konserwacją zbiorów, V Międzynarodowa Konferencja Konserwatorska Szreniawa, 5–6.10.2012, Szreniawa 2013, s. 304-310, ISBN 978-83-62119-12-5.
W. Kurdowski, Chemia materiałów budowlanych, Uczelniane Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Dydaktyczne, Kraków 2003.
W. Kurdowski, Współczesne cementy–rodzaje, zakresy zastosowań, [w:] Nowe rozwiązania konstrukcyjno-materiałowo-technologiczne. Konstrukcje żelbetowe, t. 2, Amgraf, Gliwice 2002.
J. Wolski, Kodeks etyki zawodowej konserwatorów dzieł sztuki [w:] BIKDS, 1998, nr 4 (35), vol. 9, s. 16-17; 2000, nr 2 (41), vol. 11, s. 91-92.
Term 2022/23L:
as in basic information about the subject (independent of the period) |
Term 2023/24L:
as in basic information about the subject (independent of the period) |
Term 2024/25L:
as in basic information about the subject (independent of the period) |
Term 2022/23L:
as in basic information about the subject (independent of the period) |
Term 2023/24L:
as in basic information about the subject (independent of the period) |
Term 2024/25L:
as in basic information about the subject (independent of the period) |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: