Courses at
Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics
- Artificial intelligence 0800-SZIN
- Artificial neural networks 0800-SSNEUR
- Astrochemistry 0800-ASCHEM
- Astrochemistry and astrobiology 0800-PA-ASCHEMA
- Astrohydrodynamics (Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics) 0800-PA-ASTROHYD
- Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 7404-WA-DYP
- Astrophysical laboratory 1 0800-PA-1
- Astrophysical laboratory 2 0800-PA-2
- Astrophysics 1 0800-ASTROFIZ1
- Astrophysics 2 0800-ASTROFIZ2
- Astrophysics laboratory 1 0800-PATEO1
- Astrophysics laboratory 2 0800-PATEO2
- Astrophysics laboratory 3 0800-PATEO3
- Astrophysics of jests 0800-M-ASDZET
- Atomic and molecular physics 0800-PA-ATMOLPHY
- Atomic and Molecular Physics 0800-FAM
- Atomic and Molecular Theory 0800-TEACZ
- Automatics laboratory 0800-PRAUT
- Bachelor diploma laboratory 0800-PRACLIC
- Bachelor proseminar 0800-PROSLIC
- Bachelor seminar 0800-SEMLIC
- Basics of devise constraction 0800-PKM
- Basics of differential geometry 0800-POGER
- Basics of entrepreneurship 0800-PPRZED
- Basics of Linux system administration 0800-15KKPASL
- Basics of mechanics 0800-POMECH
- Basics of Metrology 0800-PMET
- Basics of object-oriented programming in C# 0800-PZK-POPROB
- Basics of Signal Theory 0800-POTES
- Big data sets exploration 0800-EDZBIOD
- Bilogical and medical databases 0800-BIOMBD
- Bioinformatics and biomodeling 0800-BIOINMO
- Biophysics 0800-BIOFIZ
- Business Course 0800-PRZED
- C# language basics, Visual Studio and development tools 0800-PZK-VISTUC
- Cataclysmic Variable Stars 0800-CATVAS
- Celestial Mechanics 0800-MECHNB
- Classical and celestial mechanics 0800-PA-CELMECH
- Classical Electrodynamics 0800-ELDKLAS
- Classical field theory 0800-KLTPOL
- Classical Mechanics 0800-MEKL
- Coding, Compression and Cryptography 0800-M-KODKOK
- Cognitive Didactics 0800-DYKOGNI
- Collegiate programming laboratory 0800-PPROZESP2-1
- Collegiate programming laboratory 0800-PPROZESP2-2
- Collegiate programming laboratory 0800-PRPROZESP1
- Computer as a measuring tool 0800-POMIAR
- Computer control systems 0800-KSS-Lab
- Computer control systems 0800-KSS-Wyk
- Computer course -- Linux administration essentials 0800-ASLIS
- Computer measuring systems - laboratory 0800-ARMIERKO
- Computer measuring systems - laboratory 0800-FTMIERKO
- Computer measuring systems structure 0800-SKSP
- Computer Networks 0800-SIECI
- Computer networks Cisco CCNA semester 2 0800-KKCCNA-RS-2
- Computer networks Cisco CCNA semester 3 0800-KKCCNA-RS-3
- Computer technology 0800-TECHKOM
- Computer-aided drugs design 0800-16KML-DW
- Computers in Astronomy Lab 0800-KOMPAST
- Condensed matter physics 0800-PA-CONMAT
- Contemporary physics didactics 0800-DYDFIW
- Control of electrical drives 0800-AUTONA
- Control Theory 0800-TESTER
- Control Theory of Continuous and Discrete Processes 0800-AR2TSPCID
- Cosmology 0800-KOSMO
- CUDA 0800-CUDA
- Data acquisition and processing 0800-AR2APD
- Data analysis in Jamovi 0800-JAMOVI
- Databases I 0800-BAZY1
- Databases II 0800-BAZY2
- Design and computer analysis of electronic circuits 0800-KAOB
- Design basics 0800-POPROJ
- Design of integrated circuits 0800-PUSCAL
- Designing of the Control and Measurement Systems in Programmable Devices 0800-AR2SPOKO
- Designing web services, part 1 0800-OPSS-1
- Designing web services, part 2 0800-OPSS-2
- Digital processing 1000-I1TCY
- Digital Technology 0800-TECYFR
- Digital vision systems 0800-AR2CSWIZ
- Diploma proseminar 0800-PA-DIPROS
- Diploma seminar 0800-PA-DIPSEM
- Discrete Mathematics 0800-MDYS
- Distributed Control Systems 0800-ROSYST-Lab
- Distributed Control Systems 0800-ROSYST-Wyk
- Doctoral Seminar (Erasmus students) 0800-DOCSEM
- Dosimetry 0800-DOZY
- Electrical machines and drives 0800-MEUN-Lab
- Electrical motors and drives 0800-MEUN-Wyk
- Electricity and magnetism 0800-ELEMAG
- Electrodynamics and field theory 0800-PA-ELFIELD
- Electronics 0800-POEL
- Elements of group theory 0800-ELEGRUP
- Elements of Quantum Informatics 0800-ELINKW
- Elements of spectra line shapes theory 0800-M-ELSPELIS
- Embedded systems 0800-AR2SWBUD
- Engineering Laboratory 0800-PRACINŻ-1
- Engineering Practice 0800-PRAKTI
- Engineering proseminar 0800-PROSINŻ
- Engineering Seminar 0800-SEMINŻ