Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management
- (in Polish) Trójwymiarowa wizualizacja obiektów w oprogramowaniu inżynierskim SketchUp 2800-TWOB-TIRX-3-S1
- (in Polish) Seminarium dyplomowe 2800-SEMD1-G-3-S1
- (in Polish) Wody podziemne w gospodarce 2800-WPWG-GPX-2-S1
- (in Polish) Traditional and modern techniques of soil management and reclamation 2800-TMT-GPG-2-S2
- (in Polish) Wody podziemne w gospodarce 2800--WPWG-GX-3-S1
- (in Polish) Systemy planowania przestrzennego w krajach UE 2800-SPPUE-GP-3-S1
- (in Polish) Gleby antropogeniczne i technogeniczne 2800-GAIT-GPX-2-S1
- (in Polish) Gospodarka obiegu zamkniętego 2800-GOZ-GPX-2-S1
- (in Polish) GIS w geologii i geomorfologii 2800-GISGG-2-S1
- (in Polish) Region turystyczny Polski (Śląsk) 2800-RTP-SL-TIR-1-S2
- (in Polish) Rekultywacja terenów zdegradowanych 2800-RTZ-GPX-3-S1
- (in Polish) Trójwymiarowa wizualizacja obiektów w oprogramowaniu inżynierskim SketchUp 2800-TWOB-GX-3-S1
- (in Polish) Innovation and entrepreneurship in rural development 2800-INEN-GPG-2-S2
- (in Polish) Turystyka miejska 2800-TURM-TIR-3-S1
- (in Polish) Cycling in modern urban mobility 2800-OG-EN-CMUM
- (in Polish) GIS w gospodarce przestrzennej 2800-GISGP-GP-2-S1
- (in Polish) Fundusze UE i zarządzanie projektami w turystyce i rekreacji 2800-FUEZP-TIR-1-S2
- (in Polish) Infrastruktura danych przestrzennych 2800-IDP-1-SPPP
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia terenowe z rewitalizacji i rekultywacji 2800-CTRR-GP-3-S1
- (in Polish) Rozwój transportu na obszarach miejskich i wiejskich 2800-RTMW-G-3-S1
- (in Polish) Rozwój transportu na obszarach miejskich i wiejskich 2800-RTMW-GPX-2-S1
- (in Polish) Climate - basics, its changes and impact on humans 2800-OG-EN-CBC
- (in Polish) In the name of Soil 2800-SOIL-BIP
- (in Polish) Innowacyjna przedsiębiorczość turystyczna i rekreacyjna 2800-IPTR-KD
- (in Polish) Metody integracji danych przestrzennych pochodzących z różnych źródeł 2800-MIDP-KD
- (in Polish) Zintegrowane i obywatelskie kształtowanie przestrzeni 2800-ZIOKP-KD
- (in Polish) Współczesne przemiany krajobrazu kulturowego 2800-WPKKUL-GPX-2-S1
- (in Polish) Współczesne przemiany krajobrazu kulturowego 2800-WPKKUL-GX-3-S1
- Basics of landscape ecology 2800-PEK-GPX-2-S1
- Technical Drawing 2800-RTECH-GP-1-S1
- (Sustainable management of natural resources 2800-RGZP-GPG-2-S2
- Across Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans – Part One, Old World 2800-OG-EN-APIO
- Across Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans – Part Two, New World 2800-OG-EN-APIONW
- Active tourism 2800-TATIR-2-S1
- Advanced Desktop Computer Software (A-ECDL) 2800-OPU-GI-1-S2
- Aerial and satellite remote sensing 2800-TLSAT-GiKS-2-S1
- Agro tourism 2800-ATTIR-3-S1
- An Introduction to Virtual Tourism 2800-OG-EN-IVT
- Analysis and modeling in spatial planning 2800-AMGP-GPG-2-S2
- Analysis of environmental quality 2800-AJS-G-2-S1
- Analytical methods of environmental research 2800-AMBS-GPG-1-S2
- Analytical workshops 2800-WAN-GPG-1-S2
- Andragogy 2800-ANDR-TIR-2-S2
- Andragogy 2800-ANDR-TIR-1-S2
- Anthropomotor education 2800-ANTTIR-3-S1
- Application of geomatics in geography 2800-ZGG-G-2-S2
- Applied geology 2800-GEOLS-G-1-S2
- Applied geology 2800-GEOS-GP-1-S1
- Applied geomorphology 2800-GMFS-G-2-S2
- Applied geomorphology and soil scienc 2800-GGS-GPG-1-S2
- Applied meteorology and hydrology 2800-MHS-GPG-1-S2
- Apprenticeships 2800-PRAK-GPG-2-S2
- Bachelor's seminar 2800-SEML1-GiKS-3-S1
- Bachelor's seminar 2800-SEML2-GiKS-3-S1
- Base of environmental management 2800-PZS-GPG-1-S2
- Bases of spatial management and regional development 2800-PPPiR-1-SPPP
- Basics of analyzing urban areas in QGIS 2800-OG-BK-PAOZ
- Basics of city planning 2800-OG-BK-PPM
- Basics of ecology and environmental protection 2800-PEOSTIR-2-S1
- Basics of Economics 2800-PE-GP-1-S1
- Basics of Economics 2800-PEKTIR-1-S1
- Basics of economy 2800-PEK-GiKS-1-S1
- Basics of hospitality 2800-PHOTTIR-2-S1
- Basics of law 2800-PPR-GP-1-S1
- Basics of Law in Geoinformatics 2800-PPG-GI-2-S2
- Basics of Management 2800-PZ-GP-2-S1
- Basics of pedagogy 2800-PPTIR-1-S1
- Basics of shaping and protecting the environment) 2800-PKIOS-GiKS-1-S1
- Basics of sociology 2800-PSOC-GP-1-S1
- Basics of sociology 2800-PSCLTIR-1-S1
- Basics of sociology 2800-PSOC-GiKS-1-S1
- Basics of statistics 2800-PST-GiKS-2-S1
- Basics of statistics in tourism and recreation 2800-PSTIR-2-S1
- Basics of the recreation industry 2800-PRTIR-1-S1
- Basics of the tourism industry 2800-PTTIR-1-S1
- Bentley PowerDraft Software 2800-OBPD-GIX-1-S2
- Bicycle in tourism and recreation 2800-OG-EN-BITAR
- Biomedical basis of human development 2800-BPRCTIR-1-S1
- Biometeorological principles of recreation and tourism 2800-BIOUTR-TIR-2-S2
- Biometeorological principles of recreation and tourism 2800-BIOUTR-TIR-1-S2
- Biotic natural resources and their importance in recultivation of ecosystems 2800-ZPO-GPG-2-S2
- Boom the Baltics! Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia from inside 2800-OG-EN-BBLLE
- Botany and phytosociology 2800-BFIT-GPG-2-S2
- Business etiquette 2800-EWBTIR-1-S1
- Business tourism 2800-TBTIR-3-S1
- Case study - geopark management in Poland 2800-CSZGP-GPG-1-S2
- Case study - Multifunctional rural development 2800-CSWRO-GPG-2-S2
- Case study – indeterminate urban spaces 2800-CSPNM-GPG-1-S2
- Case study – reclamation of ecosystems 2800-CSREK-GPG-2-S2
- Changes and reconstructions of the environment 2800-ZIRS-GiKS-2-S1
- Changes of the natural environment in Poland 2800-ZSPP-G-1-S2
- Chasing the Thrill - Adrenaline Tourism 2800-OG-EN-CTAT
- City as a process 2800-OG-BK-MJP
- Climate and bioclimate of Poland and the world 2800-OG-KBPS
- Climate change – directions of mitigation and adaptation 2800-OG-BK-ZKLIM
- Climate change and its influence on natural environment and economy 2800-ZKSNG-GX-2-S1
- Climate change and its influence on natural environment and economy 2800-ZKSNG-GPX-1-S1
- Climate of the World and Poland 2800-OG-BK-KPS
- Climatology 2800-KLI-GI-1-S2