Study programmes
> Faculty list
> (in Polish) Katedra Radiologii i Diagnostyki Obrazowej
> Courses conducted
Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Radiologii i Diagnostyki Obrazowej
- (in Polish) Przygotowanie do egzaminu zawodowego i egzamin 1800-E3-PDEE-s1
- (in Polish) Elektroradiologia kliniczna. Diagnostyka obrazowa w pediatrii 1800-E3-PKDO-s1
- (in Polish) Specjalność wybrana - Radiologia 1600-Lek6SP16-NJ
- 1.2. Radiology Techniques 1655-LekM3PMKRAD-J
- 1.2. Radiology Techniques 1600-LekM3PMKRAD-J
- 1.2. Radiology Techniques 1600-LekM3PMKRAD-NJ
- 1.3 Radiology 1655-LekM4CURD-J
- 1.3. Diagnostic Imaging of the Endocrine Organs 1655-LekM5CNEDIA-J
- 1.3. Diagnostic Imaging of the Endocrine Organs 1600-LekM5CNEDIA-J
- 1.3. Diagnostic Imaging of the Endocrine Organs 1600-LekM5CNEDIA-NJ
- 1.3. Radiology 1600-LekM5CERD-J
- 1.3. Radiology 1600-LekM4CURD-J
- 1.3. Radiology 1655-LekM5CERD-J
- 1.3. Radiology of the Nervous System 1655-LekM4CUNRAD-J
- 1.3. Radiology of the Nervous System 1600-LekM4CUNRAD-J
- 1.3. Radiology of the Nervous System 1600-LekM4CUNRAD-NJ
- 2.3. Radiology 1655-LekM4CSRD-J
- 3. Module: Modern Diagnostic Imaging and Other Advanced Diagnostic Technologies 1600-LekM3WDOZT-J
- 3.3. Radiology 1655-LekM4CPRD-J
- 3.3. Radiology 1600-LekM4CPRD-J
- 3.4. Radiology of Respiratory Tract 1655-LekM4CUORAD-J
- 3.4. Radiology of the Respiratory System 1600-LekM4CUORAD-J
- 3.4. Radiology of the Respiratory System 1600-LekM4CUORAD-NJ
- 4.1 Radiology 1600-LekM5SNRD-J
- 4.1 Radiology 1655-LekM5SNRD-J
- 4.3. Radiology 1655-LekM4CRRD-J
- 4.3. Radiology 1600-LekM4CRRD-J
- 5.1. Radiology in the Emergency Department 1600-LekM5STNRAD-J
- 5.1. Radiology in the Emergency Department 1600-LekM5STNRAD-NJ
- 5.1. Radiology in the Emergency Department 1655-LekM5STNRAD-J
- 5.3. Radiology 1600-LekM4CNRD-J
- 5.3. Radiology 1600-LekM3CURD-J
- 5.3. Radiology 1655-LekM4CNRD-J
- 6.3. Radiology 1655-LekM4CZRD-J
- 6.3. Radiology 1600-LekM4CZRD-J
- 6.3. Radiology of the Muscoskeletal System 1655-LekM4CNRRAD-J
- 6.3. Radiology of the Musculoskeletal System 1600-LekM4CNRRAD-NJ
- 6.3. Radiology of the Musculoskeletal System 1600-LekM4CNRRAD-J
- 7.3. Radiology of the Urinary System 1655-LekM4CNMRAD-J
- 7.3. Radiology of the Urinary System 1600-LekM4CNMRAD-J
- 7.3. Radiology of the Urinary System 1600-LekM4CNMRAD-NJ
- 8.2. Radiology 1600-LekM5WORD-J
- 8.2. Radiology 1655-LekM5WORD-J
- 8.3. Radiology 1655-LekM4CNZRAD-J
- 8.3. Radiology of the Sense Organs 1600-LekM4CNZRAD-J
- 8.3. Radiology of the Sense Organs 1600-LekM4CNZRAD-NJ
- 9.1. Radiology 1600-LekM5WRRD-J
- 9.1. Radiology 1655-LekM5WRRD-J
- Bachelor's Thesis Seminar 1800-E2-SL6-s1
- Computed Tomography 1800-E3-Tk-n1
- Computed Tomography 1800-E3-Tk-s1
- Course Selection: Development Perspectives of Diagnostic Imaging 1655-LekM3WYBOBR-J
- Development Perspectives of Diagnostic Imaging 1600-LekM3WYBOBR-J
- Development Perspectives of Diagnostic Imaging 1600-LekM3WYBOBR-NJ
- Development Perspectives of Diagnostic Imaging 1600-Lek3WYBOBR-J
- Development Perspectives of Diagnostic Imaging 1600-Lek3WYBOBR-NJ
- Diagnostic Imaging 1600-Lek4RADI-J
- Diagnostic Imaging 1600-Lek4RADI-NJ
- Diagnostic Imaging 1655-Lek3DIOB-J
- Diagnostic Imaging 1600-Lek3DIOB-J
- Diagnostic Imaging 1600-Lek3DIOB-NJ
- Diagnostic Imaging 1655-Lek4RADI-J
- Inter-Semester Work Placement: Conventional Digital X-Ray Laboratory 1800-E3-Pw-n1
- Inter-Semester Work Placement: Conventional Digital X-Ray Laboratory 1800-E3-Pw-s1
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1800-E3-Rm-n1
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1800-E3-Rm-s1
- Programme-Specific Course 2. X-Ray Angiography 1800-E2-MB/AR-n1
- Programme-Specific Course 3. Computed Tomography 1800-E3-Tk-s1/mB
- Programme-Specific Course 3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1800-E3-Rm-s1/Mb
- Programme-Specific Course: Classic X-Ray Diagnostics 1800-E2-Rk-s1/Mb
- Programme-Specific Course: Classical Diagnostic Radiology 1800-E1-Rk-s1/Mb
- Programme-Specific Course: Classical Diagnostic Radiology 1800-E1-Rk-s1l/Mb
- Programme-Specific Course: Computed Tomography 1800-E2-Tk-s1/Mb
- Programme-Specific Course: Medical Equipment 1800-E1-Am-s1/Mb
- Programme-Specific Course: Medical Equipment 1800-E1-Am-s1l/Mb
- Programme-Specific Course: Medical Equipment 1800-E1-AM-N1L/MB
- Programme-Specific Course: X-ray Angiography 1800-E2-Ar-s1/Mb
- Programme-Specific Course. Computed Tomography 1800-E3-Tk-n1/Mb
- Programme-Specific Course. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1800-E3-Rm-n1/Mb
- Programme-Specific Programme 2. Classic X-Ray Diagnostics 1800-E2-MB/RK-n1
- Prospects for Development in Diagnostic Imaging 1655-Lek3WYBOBR-J
- Radiology Elective 1600-LekM3ZWRD-J
- Selected Speciality - Radiology 1600-Lek6SP16-J
- Selected Speciality - Radiology 1655-Lek6SP26-J
- Vocational Examination (Practical and Theoretical) 1800-E3-EGZzawod-n1
- Vocational Examination (Practical and Theoretical) 1800-E3-EGZzawod-s1
- Work Placements :Inter-Semester Work Placement-Conventional Digital X-Ray Laboratory 1800-E2-Pmk-s1/Me
- Work Placements: Intra-year Work Placement-Conventional X-Ray Laboratory 1800-E3-Psk-s1/Me
- Work Placements: Intra-year Work Placement-Conventional X-Ray Laboratory 1800-E3-Psk-n1/Mc
- Work Placements. Holiday Work Placement. Computed Tomography Laboratory 1800-E2-PRAKTYKA5-n1
- Work Placements. Holiday Work Placement. Conventional Digital X-Ray Laboratory 1800-E2-PRAKTYKA4-n1
- Work Placements. Inter-semester: Conventional Digital X-Ray Laboratory 1800-E2-PRAKTYKA3-n1
- Work Placements. Intra-year Work Placement- Computed Tomography 1800-E3-Pstk-s1/Me
- Work Placements. Intra-year Work Placement-Computed Tomography 1800-E3-Pstk-n1/Mc
- Work Placements. Intra-year Work Placement-Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1800-E3Psrm-s1/Me
- Work Placements. Intra-year Work Placement-Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1800-E3-Psrm-n1/Mc