Courses at
Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences
- Cell pathology 2600-PKBIOT-SX-S1
- Cell-Art: cellular and molecular imaging 2600-CABIOT-SX-S1
- Chemical analysis 2600-ACGSA-2-S1
- Chemistry 7100-CHEM-1-SJ
- Clinical and laboratory diagnostic 7100-DKL-3-SJ
- Clinical practice parts I 7100-PRKKLIN-4SJ
- Clinical practice parts II 7100-PRKKLIN-5-SJ
- Clinical rotation - diseases of farm animals (part 2) 7100-SK-CZG-6-SJ
- Clinical rotation - diseases of farm animals- parts I 7100-SK-CZG-5-SJ
- Clinical rotation - diseases of farm animals- parts I 7100-SK-CZGT-5-SJ
- Clinical rotation - diseases of horses -parts I 7100-SK-CK-5-SJ
- Clinical rotation - diseases of horses (part 2) 7100-SK-CK-6-SJ
- Clinical rotation - diseases of poultry 7100-SK-CP-5-SJ
- Clinical rotation - diseases of poultry 7100-SK-CPT-5-SJ
- Comparative zoology of vertebrates 2600-ZPKBIOL-1-S1
- Competencies in contact with the client 7100-KK-6-SJ
- Complementary training (internships, workshops, conferences) 2600-KU-3-SD
- Complementary training (internships, workshops, conferences) 2600-KU-4-SD
- Computer programs at work of veterinary doctor 7100-F-PK-2-SJ
- Confocal and electron microscopy 2600-KBIOL-MKE-SX
- Contemporary methods of biological material analysis 2600-BM-WMBIOL-3-S1
- Contemporary methods of cell pathology useful in detecting, identifying and analysis of biological macro- and micro-traces 2600-MDW-3B-WMP
- Contemporary methods of microscopic analysis and imaging of biological material with aspects of pathology 2600-MDW-3A-WBM
- Contemporary problems of vertebrates species protection in Poland and in the world 2600-OG-WPOG
- Corrective exercises in water 2600-SIW-M6-CK-3-S1
- Criminology 2600-KRSA-2-S1
- Crops in vitro cultures 2600-K4-HIVR-BIOT
- Cynology 7100-F-KYN-2-SJ
- Cytogenetics 2600-K5-CYT-BIOT
- Cytogenetics 2600-BM-CYTBIOL-3-S1
- Cytological examination of body fluids, excretions, secretions and biopatches of the reproductive tract epithelium 7100-F-BC-4-SJ
- Dance 2600-SIW-M2-TA-2-S1
- Data processing in biology 2600-PDBIOL-1-S1
- Determination of tree age and cross-dating of wood for judiciary 2600-MDW-3B-DWD
- Diagnosis of physical and motor development 2600-SIW-M6-DR-3-S1
- Diagnostic imaging 7100-DGNO-3-SJ
- Diagnostics of genetically modified plants 2600-DRGBIOT-1-S2
- Didactics of sport training 2600-SIW-M5-MT-3-S1
- Didactics of corrective and compensatory gymnastics 2600-SIW-M6-DG-3-S1
- Didactics of recreational health-related training 2600-SIW-M5-MR-3-S1
- Dietetics in wellness and SPA 2600-SIW-M4-DW-3-S1
- Diploma exam 2600-EDBIOT-3-S1
- Diploma exam 2600-EDSA-3-S1
- Diploma laboratory 2600-PDSA1-3-S1
- Diploma laboratory 2600-PD1BIOL-3-S1
- Diploma laboratory 2600-PD2BIOL-3-S1
- Diploma laboratory 2600-PDSA2-3-S1
- Diploma laboratory 2600-PD1BIOT-3-S1
- Diploma laboratory 2600-PD2BIOT-3-S1
- Diploma laboratory 2600-SIW-PP-3-S1
- Diploma seminar 2600-SIW-SEM1-3-S1
- Diploma seminar 2600-SIW-SEM2-3-S1
- Diseases of dogs and cats (standard level) 7100-CPK-P-4-SJ
- Diseases of farm animals (higher level) 7100-CZG-R-4-SJ
- Diseases of farm animals (standard level) 7100-CZG-P-4-SJ
- Diseases of fur animals 7100-CHZF-4-SJ
- Diseases of molluscs and crustaceans 7100-F-CHMS-6-SJ
- Diseases of molluscs and crustaceans 7100-F-CHM-6-SJ
- Diseases of newborn foals 7100-F-CHNZ-6-SJ
- Diseases of useful insects 7100-CHOU-4-SJ
- DNA damage and repair 2600-UNBIOT-2-S2
- Dogs and Cats Diseases (higher level) 7100-CPK-R-4-SJ
- Dynamic biochemistry 2600-BCHDBIOT-2-S1
- e-Sport 2600-SIW-ES-1-S1
- Ecological functions and significance of animal toxins 2600-OG-FEZT
- Ecological physiology 2600-BS-FEBIOL-3-S1
- Ecology of selected species of plants and fungi hazardous to humans 2600-MDW-3B-ERG
- Ecosystem services 2600-CP-UEBIOL-3-S1
- Egzotic diseases of human and animal 7100-F-EGZ-6-SJ
- Egzotic diseases of human and animal 7100-F-EGT-6-SJ
- Endoscopy in dogs 7100-F-ENDP-4-SJ
- Entomological method in estimation of post mortem interval 2600-UDSSA-3-S1
- Entrepreneurship 2600-SIW-PDS-1-S1
- Entrepreneurship 2600-SIW-PDS-2-S1
- Entrepreneurship and career planning 2600-PPBIOL-1-S1
- Envirinmental protection 7100-OS-1-SJ
- Environmental biotechnology 2600-BTSBIOL-2-S2
- Environmental microbiology 2600-MSBIOL-1-S2
- Environmental protection 2600-OPBIOL-3-S1
- Environmental valorization and monitoring 2600-OP-WMSBIOL-3-S1
- Enzymatic biotechnology 2600-BTEBIOT-1-S2
- Enzymes in biomedicine 2600-S1-CM-EBIO
- Enzymes in medical diagnostics 2600-K1-EDM-BIOT
- Enzymes in medical diagnostics 2600-OG-BK-EDM
- Enzymology 2600-ENZBIOT-3-S1
- Epigenetics 2600-BK-EPIBIOL-1-S2
- Epigenetics 2600-EPIBIOT-SX-S2
- Equine Diseases 7100-CK-5-SJ
- Ethnobotany and traditional food in Mexico 2600-OG-EN-ETF
- Ethology, welfare and protection of animals 7100-EDO-2-SJ
- Everything you wanted to know about human reproduction, but are afraid to ask 2600-OG-WOR
- Evolutionary ecology 2600-EEWBIOL-2-S2
- Evolutionism 2600-EWBIOL-3-S1
- Exercise physiology 2600-SIW-FW-2-S1
- Exercise physiology 2600-SIW-FWF-2-S1
- Faulty posture 2600-SIW-M6-WP-3-S1
- Felinology 7100-F-F-5-SJ
- Financing services in physical culture 2600-SIW-M1-FU-2-S1
- First Aid 2600-SIW-PP-1-S1
- Fish diseases 7100-CHR-4-SJ