Biochemistry 2600-S1-CM-BCH
Students gain theoretical and practical knowledge about the structure and function of biomolecules and metabolic processes in which energy is transformed into a biologically useful form.
Lecture: Amino acids and proteins: structure, properties, and functions (special attention to the relationship between structure and function). Sugars: classification, nomenclature, isomerism, monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides, glycosides - glycosidic bonds, glycoproteins. Nucleic acids: structure, replication, and transcription processes; protein biosynthesis. Lipids: Classification, structure, and functions. Biological membranes: structure, functions, and transport across membranes. Enzymes: structure, classification, nomenclature, coenzymes, the kinetics of enzymatic reactions. Basic concepts of metabolism: energy sources, the general strategy of metabolic transformation of sugars, proteins, and fats, ATP as an energy carrier, high-energy bonds, and types of phosphorylation. Obtaining energy in metabolic processes: glycolysis, oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, Krebs cycle. The respiratory chain as the last step in cellular oxidation. Energy balance of glucose oxidation.
Laboratory exercises are aimed at introducing the student to various laboratory techniques enabling quantitative and qualitative analysis of the chemical components of an animal cell. The following topics will be covered during the exercises: Biochemical calculations. Amino acids - structure and properties. Determination of protein concentration by the biuret method. Serum protein electrophoresis. Preparation and analysis of DNA from nuclei of isolated and etiolated wheat seedlings. Characteristic reactions of sugars. Kinetics of enzymatic reactions.
Term 2021/22Z:
As above (in A. General description of the course) |
Term 2022/23Z:
As above (in A. General description of the course) |
Term 2023/24Z:
As above (in A. General description of the course) |
Term 2024/25Z:
As above (in A. General description of the course) |
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Observation/demonstration teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- narration
- participatory lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- practical
- observation
- laboratory
Online teaching methods
- methods referring to authentic or fictitious situations
- methods developing reflexive thinking
- games and simulations
- content-presentation-oriented methods
- cooperation-based methods
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Written exam, test containing single-choice closed questions and open-ended questions. Passing the exam after reaching at least 50% of the available points. A very good grade requires the achievement of more than 90% of the available points. Other degrees are set proportionally in the range of 50-90%
W01, W05, W04, W06, W08, U01, U02
Laboratory: the following points are fulfilled
1 / class attendance K01
2 / Passing the reports from experiments: W02, W04, W010, U05
3 / Written test (70% of the final grade): W01, W04, W05, W06, W08, W11, U2, U3, U4, U5
Passing the test after reaching at least 50% of the available points. A very good grade requires the achievement of more than 90% of the available points. Other degrees are set proportionally in the range of 50-90%
4 / student activity, current preparation for classes (30% of the final grade) W01, W05, W06, U01, U04, U05, U08, K03
Practical placement
- Harper Biochemistry, R.K. Murray, D.K. Granner, V.W.Rodwell
- Biochemistry, J.M Berg, J.L.Tymoczko, L.Strye
- Molecular biology of the cell, Alberts B et all.
- Color Atlas of Biochemistry, Koolman J, Röhm K-H
- Actual papers in the biochemistry field
Term 2021/22Z:
As above (in A. General description of the course) |
Term 2022/23Z:
As above (in A. General description of the course) |
Term 2023/24Z:
As above (in A. General description of the course) |
Term 2024/25Z:
As above (in A. General description of the course) |
Term 2021/22Z:
- |
Term 2022/23Z:
- |
Term 2023/24Z:
- |
Term 2024/25Z:
- |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: