Courses at
Faculty of Humanities
- (in Polish) Nauczanie sprawności_1 2500-NS1-NJPjO
- (in Polish) Nauczanie gramatyki i słownictwa_1 2500-NGiS1-NJPjO
- (in Polish) Kultura języka 1000-MS1-KultJez
- (in Polish) Sztuka XX i XXI wieku 2555-s1KUL2Z-SZ
- (in Polish) Elektroniczne formy publikacji 2500-PO-EFP
- (in Polish) Nauczanie gramatyki i słownictwa_2 2500-NGiS2-NJPjO
- (in Polish) Nauczanie sprawności_2 2500-NS2-NJPjO
- (in Polish) Copywriting w firmie wydawniczej 2500-PO-CFW
- (in Polish) Językowe dylematy 2500-PO-JD
- (in Polish) Promocja firmy wydawniczej 2500-PO-PFW
- (in Polish) Redakcja tekstów naukowych i beletrystycznych (sem. I) 2500-PO-RTNiB-I
- (in Polish) Redakcja tekstów naukowych i beletrystycznych (sem. II) 2500-PO-RTNiB-II
- (in Polish) Studia lokalne i regionalne Polski 2500-1-SLiRP-PSE
- (in Polish) Antropologia współczesności 2500-2-AW-PSE
- (in Polish) Etnologia Polski 2500-2-EP-PSE
- (in Polish) Folklor 2500-2-F-PSE
- (in Polish) Kultury Europy 2500-2-KE-PSE
- (in Polish) Kultura popularna 2500-2-KP-PSE
- (in Polish) Kultury świata (wybrane zagadnienia) 2500-2-KS-PSE
- (in Polish) Praca końcowa 2500-2-PK-PSE
- (in Polish) Studia etniczne i narodowościowe 2500-2-SEiN-PSE
- (in Polish) Językowe dylematy 2500-OG-BK-JD
- (in Polish) Podstawy pedagogiki 2500-s1NA2Z-PPED-C
- (in Polish) Kultura regionu 2502-s1LPC2Z-MPR-KR
- „Exquisite” and „inexhaustible”. Polish literature of the 19th century in new interpretations 2500-OG-WINLP
- „The Generation of Caretakers and Watchmen”: Rock and the Authorities in USSR 2500-OG-PDIS
- 2nd half of the 20th century in social memory 2500-OG-EN-SHTCSM
- Academic English in multicultural perspectives 2500-WH-PODW-AEMP
- Academic English in multicultural perspectives (module I) 2500-OG-EN-AEMP-M1
- Academic English in multicultural perspectives (module II) 2500-OG-EN-AEMP-M2
- Academic writing 2510-f1ENG3S-AW
- Academic writing 2510-f1ENG3W-AW
- Adbertising and copywriting 2502-s1LPC2L-RC-RC
- Advanced SEO strategies 2502-s1LPC2Z-RC-ZSS
- Advertising 2506-s2POL1L-R-EC
- Advertising - history 2502-s1LPC2L-RC-R-H
- Advertising - Practice (copywriting) 2502-s1LPC3Z-RC-R-P
- Advertising - theory 2502-s1LPC2Z-RC-R-T
- Advertising agency as a business 2502-s1LPC3Z-RC-DAR
- African-American musical identity. Cultural history of jazz 2500-OG-EN-AAMI
- Albanian literature 2511-s1BAL1L-LA
- Albanian phonetics 2511-s1BAL1L-FJA
- Albanian phonetics 2517-s1LS1Z-FON-JA
- Alternative Communication 2500-PO-2L-KOMALT
- American culture 2510-f1ENG2W-AC
- American literature 2510-f1ENG2S-AL
- American literature 2510-f1ENG2W-AL-L
- American literature 2510-f1ENG2W-AL-T
- Analysis and interpretation of texts of culture 2501-s1KLS3L-AITK
- Analysis and interpretation of texts of culture 2501-s1KLS3Z-AITK
- Analysis and interpretation of texts of culture 2500-OG-K-AITK
- Analysis and Interpretation of the Text of Culture 2500-JPJ2P-3-AITK
- Analysis of performance 2555-s2KUL1Z-AP-AK
- Ancient art history 2501-s1KLS2L-HSS
- Ancient art history 2501-s1KLS2Z-HSS
- Ancient drama in modern world 2500-OG-EN-ADMW
- Ancient Greek translation exercises 2501-s1KLS3L-TJSG
- Ancient Greek translation exercises 2501-s1KLS3Z-TJSG
- Animated movies 2555-s2KUL2Z-FA-FNM
- Anthropological Interpretations of Cultures 2525-s1ETN3Z-AIK
- Anthropological Interpretations of Cultures 2525-s1ETN3L-AIK
- Anthropological Interpretations of Cultures: Anthropology of Otherness 2525-s1ETN1L-AIK-AO
- Anthropological Interpretations of Cultures: Own Others / Mythical Others 2525-s1ETN1Z-AIK-SO
- Anthropological Interpretations of Cultures: Popular Culture 2525-s1ETN1Z-AIK-KP
- Anthropological Interpretations of Cultures: Popular Music 2525-s1ETN1L-AIK-MP
- Anthropology of art 2525-s1ETN2Z-ASZ
- Anthropology of culture 2555-s1KUL1L-AK-W
- Anthropology of culture 2555-s1KUL1L-AK-K
- Anthropology of history and memory 2525-s1ETN1L-AHP
- Anthropology of images 2555-s1KUL2L-AO
- Anthropology of literature 2506-s2POL1Z-AL
- Anthropology of modern culture 2555-s2KUL2Z-AKW
- Anthropology of music 2555-s1KUL3L-AM
- Anthropology of Non-European Areas - first stage (Asia) - Contemporary India 2525-s1ETN3Z-AOP-E1
- Anthropology of Non-European Areas - second stage - Culture of Japan 2525-s1ETN3L-AOP-E2J
- Anthropology of performance 2555-s1KUL1L-AW
- Anthropology of performance 2555-s1KUL2Z-AW
- Apprenticeship (510 hours) 2502-s1LPC3L-PRZ
- Apprenticeship in Primary and Secondary School 2500-JPJ2P-2-PRAKT
- Apprenticeship in Primary and Secondary School 2500-JPJ2P-3-PRAKT
- Art and aesthetics of Japan 2516-s1JAP1L-SIEJ
- Art books and the psychology of reception 2506-s1POL2L-KAAPOP
- Art books and the psychology of reception 2500-OG-BK-KAAPOP
- Art of public speaking 2506-s2POL2Z-SWP
- Art of Public Speeches 1100-12-K12-SzWyPu
- Art of Public Speeches 1152-12-K12-SzWyPu
- Artistic book design 2500-PO-APP
- audiology 2500-PO-1L-AUDIOL
- Audiovisual Art 2505-s1FPO2Z-PK-SA
- Audiovisual Culture 2555-s1KUL3Z-KA
- Auxiliary studies of history of literature 2506-s1POL1Z-NPHL
- BA seminar 2525-s1ETN3Z-SEM
- BA seminar 2506-s1POL3L-SL
- BA Seminar 2513-s1ROM3L-SL
- BA seminar 2512-s1GER3L-SL
- BA seminar 2517-s1LS3Z-SEM-A
- BA seminar 2515-s1WLO3L-SL
- BA seminar 2512-s1GER3Z-SL
- BA seminar 2515-s1WLO3Z-SL
- BA seminar 2511-s1BAL3Z-SD