American literature 2510-f1ENG2W-AL-T
- (term 2021/22Z)
- (term 2022/23Z)
- (term 2023/24Z)
- (term 2024/25Z)
The course presents an overview of American literature depicting the most significant periods, figures, and currents from the 17th to the early 20th century. The classes help students understand the particularity of American literature amongst other national literary traditions as well as place the significant works of American authors in a larger historical and cultural context of the given period.
Content distribution:
- Native American oral literature
- Early American and colonial period to 1776
- Puritan legacy in American letters
- the Revolutionary period
- American literature in 1800-1850
- the Romantic period, 1820-1860: the “Transcendental Club” and Anti-Transcendentalists
- the American Renaissance: the Southern literary tradition
- the Rise of Realism
- Naturalism in American fiction
- “Local Color” and the changing role of womanhood
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
- attendance and active participation in class – U1, U2, U3, K1
- classroom and online assignments on assigned readings - U1, U2, U3
- final test - W1, U1, U2, U3
Assessment criteria:
fail – 0-59 %
satisfactory – 60-69 %
satisfactory plus – 70-75 %
good – 76-85 %
good plus – 86-90 %
very good – 91-100 %
A grade average of at least 60% must be achieved and the final test must be passed to obtain a passing grade in the course. The students who have failed to obtain the total average grade of at least of 60% or failed the final test are allowed one retake, which is administered in the retake examination session.
Students are evaluated in accordance with the university regulations, and they must attend all course meetings. Informed participation in class discussions – based on completion of the assigned reading and supportive collaboration with classmates – is also required. Each class absence has to be excused in the first week after the lesson missed. The final grade percentage will be reduced for every unexcused absence or an assignment that a student has failed to complete.
Instructors are authorized to refuse credit when the student’s absenteeism rate is around 50% even if the absences have had valid reasons.
NOTE: all the above principles apply to all kinds of classes: traditional classroom and all forms of remote teaching.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: