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Education in Doctoral School of Medical and Health Sciences (74510401)

(in Polish: Kształcenie w szkole doktorskiej nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu)
doctoral school
full-time, 4-year studies (8 semesters)
Language: English, Polish

General information

The Doctoral School of Medical and Health Sciences (Academia Medica Bydgostiensis) at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in medical and health sciences in the disciplines of pharmaceutical sciences, medical sciences and health sciences was established on 28 May 2019 by the regulation No. 67 of the NCU Rector.


Education at the Doctoral School of Medical and Health Sciences lasts 4 years and ends with the submission of a doctoral dissertation. The main objectives of the education program include preparation of the doctoral dissertation, acquiring competences enabling independent scientific research carried out on a national level as well as in international teams, gaining experience facilitating integration of scientific activity with the economic and social environment and acquiring competences to carry out activities related to university teaching. Education of doctoral students is based on the education program adopted by the resolution of the senate and an individual research plan.

The Doctoral School of Medical and Health Sciencesprepares for the PhD degree in medical and health sciences in the disciplines of pharmaceutical sciences, medical sciences and health sciences.

Resolution No. 31 of the Senate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University of June 28, 2021 on the framework education program in Doctoral School of Medical and Health Sciences

Attachment nr 3 to the resolution No. 31


Uchwała Nr 27 Senatu UMK z dnia 28 kwietnia 2020 r w sprawie warunków i trybu rekrutacji kandydatów do Szkoły Doktorskiej Nauk Medycznych i Nauk o Zdrowiu

The recruitment procedure consists of two stages:

1. PhD project competition for disciplines: pharmaceutical sciences, medical sciences, health sciences,

2. Competition of candidates for PhD projects selected in the first stage.

Recruitment schedule 

  • registration via the IRK website (NCU online application system): 21 August - 4 September 2023
  • submitting documents: 21 August - 4 September 2023
  • interviews: 11 -15 September 2023
  • publication of the results of the recruitment procedure: 19 September 2023

The list of projects that can be carried out at the Doctoral School of Medical and Health Sciences in 2023 is available on the webpage:

The details about the project financed by the grant can be found here

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.umk.pl/pl