Global Climate Negotiation 2751-KONJA-GCN
The aim of the course is to present global climate negotiations in context of importance of the problem, institutional framework and positions of main players.
During the course students become familiar with climate change problem per se as well as the efforts international community has made so far to mitigate and adapt to its consequences. They would have an opportunity not only to learn about legal regime and created institutions but also about milestone achievements from 1992 till 2018. Moreover, students would be learning, assessing and comparing positions towards climate change international regime of main players including: western world (EU, US, Canada and Australia, Japan), emerging powers (China, India, Brazil, Russia) and countries most affected by the problem (LDS, AOSIS, other G77).
W cyklu 2022/23L:
According to basic description of the subject. |
W cyklu 2023/24L:
According to basic description of the subject. |
W cyklu 2024/25L:
According to basic description of the subject. |
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
Metody dydaktyczne eksponujące
Metody dydaktyczne podające
- pogadanka
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące
- obserwacji
- WebQuest
- ćwiczeniowa
Wymagania wstępne
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
Students are earning points for participation in discussions during the classes and proper execution of exercises. On each class they can earn up to 10 points. When doing tasks time also matters: for sending the answers after the deadline they get – 2 points. Final grades will be issued on the basis of collected points, where 100% is assigned to the highest result in the group. To pass the course students should get at least 51% of the best result.
Praktyki zawodowe
Not applicable.
- Frans N. Stokman, Is a Copenhagen Climate Treaty Still Possible? Scientific Analysis Provides New Insights for Agreement and a Better Treaty for the Planet,
- Frans N. Stokman and R. Tomson, Forecasting the Paris 2015 UNFCCC Negotiations. The Exchange Model's Analysis of Developments and Potential Obstacles to Reaching an Agreement,'s_Analysis_of_Developments_and_Potential_Obstacles_to_Reaching_an_Agreement
- Detlef F. Sprinz, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Steffen Kallbekken, Frans Stokman, Håkon Sælen, Robert Thomson, Predicting Paris: Multi-Method Approaches to Forecast the Outcomes of Global Climate Negotiations,
- Giovanni Grevi and Thomas Renard (eds.), Hot Issues, Cold Shoulders, Lukewarm Partners: EU Strategic Partnerships and Climate Change,
- Charles F. Parker & Christer Karlsson (2018) The UN climate change
negotiations and the role of the United States: assessing American leadership from Copenhagen to Paris, Environmental Politics, 27:3, 519-540, DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2018.1442388
- Daniel Otto, Understanding climate change negotiations: An International Relations perspective, In book: „The heat is up!“ – Cross-disciplinary perspectives on climate change, Publisher: Universidade Aberta, Editors: Otto Daniel, Caeiro Sandra, S.; Bacelar-Nicolau, Becker Sara, pp.9, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3848.9366,
- Official website of the UNFCCC Secretariat:
- Official website of the EU climate policy:
W cyklu 2022/23L:
According to basic description of the subject. |
W cyklu 2023/24L:
According to basic description of the subject. |
W cyklu 2024/25L:
According to basic description of the subject. |
W cyklu 2022/23L:
Students are asked to bring their laptops (or other devices with access to Internet and basic office programs). |
W cyklu 2023/24L:
Students are asked to bring their laptops (or other devices with access to Internet and basic office programs). |
W cyklu 2024/25L:
Students are asked to bring their laptops (or other devices with access to Internet and basic office programs). |
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: