Energy Security in Europe 2751-KONJA-ESE
* The concept of energy security: definition, dimensions, measurement, theories of International Relations and Security Studies
• Security of supply in Europe: needs and demands, infrastructure
• Market, ecological and social aspects of energy security of European countries
• Cooperation in the field of energy security of European countries
• Russia's policy and the European energy security
• Politics of international actors as a challenge to the European energy security (China, the United States)
• Current and future challenges for the European energy security
• Energy policy and energy security of the European Union
• Energy security of Central European countries, France, Germany, Italy, Baltic States, Nordic Countries,
*The state of energy security, processes taking place in it, challenges and threats to Europe's energy security.
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
Metody dydaktyczne
Metody dydaktyczne podające
- wykład konwersatoryjny
- wykład informacyjny (konwencjonalny)
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące
- projektu
- ćwiczeniowa
- klasyczna metoda problemowa
- punktowana
- referatu
Wymagania wstępne
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
The final grade is the average of two grades: 1) Written exam; 2) Grade obtained during the classes
Written exam, consisting of two elements:
1) test of 20 questions (20 points) consisting of single and multiple choice questions
2) description and analysis of an issue relating to energy security in Europe to be written – 10 points
Total points to get 30.
• 51-61% - points: 16-18 - grade: 3
• 62-71% - points: 19-21 – grade: 3+
• 72-81% - points: 22-24 – grade: 4
• 82-91% - points: 25-27 – grade: 4+
• 92-100% - points: 28-30 –grade: 5
Assessment based on the collected points for
1) discussion during the classes (30 points)
2) presentation of the analyzed case study (40 points)
3) group tasks to be developed in class (30 points)
A total of 100 points
51-61 points - 3
62-71 points - 3+
72-81 points - 4
82-91 points - 4+
92-100 points - 5
Basic literature:
• Blazev, A. S. (2021). Energy security for the 21st century. CRC Press.
• Dyer, H., & Trombetta, M. J. (Eds.). (2013). International handbook of energy security. Edward Elgar Publishing.
• Esakova, N. (2013). European energy security: analysing the EU-Russia energy security regime in terms of interdependence theory. Springer Science & Business Media.
• Fischer, S. (2017). Global energy security and EU energy policy. In Research Handbook on EU Energy Law and Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
• Matsumoto, K. I., Doumpos, M., & Andriosopoulos, K. (2018). Historical energy security performance in EU countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82, 1737-1748.
• Ollila, J., & Skov-Spilling, J. (2017). Nordic Energy Co-operation: Strong today–stronger tomorrow (Vol. 2017732). Nordic Council of Ministers.
• Schneider, V. (2018). Between a rock and a hard place: Climate protection and energy security policy in Germany. In IPSA World Congress.
• Sun, H., Ikram, M., Mohsin, M., & Abbas, Q. (2020). Energy security and environmental efficiency: evidence from OECD countries. The Singapore Economic Review, 1943003.
• Sovacool, B. K. (Ed.). (2010). The Routledge handbook of energy security. Routledge.
• Szulecki, K. (Ed.). (2017). Energy security in Europe: Divergent perceptions and policy challenges. Springer.
Additional literaturę:
• Augutis, J., Krikštolaitis, R., Martišauskas, L., Urbonienė, S., Urbonas, R., & Ušpurienė, A. B. (2020). Analysis of energy security level in the Baltic States based on indicator approach. Energy, 199, 2020.
• Dumitrescu, A. L. (2018). An Analysis Of The Energy Security Policies In France And Poland. Euroinfo, 2(10), 49-63.
• Kamyk, J., Kot-Niewiadomska, A., & Galos, K. (2021). The criticality of crude oil for energy security: A case of Poland. Energy, 220, 2021.
• Nosko, A. (2018). Defining and analyzing energy security in central Europe and the EU neighborhood. Theorizing Security In The Eastern European Neighbourhood: Issues And Approaches, 97.
• Baker Institute Center for Energy Studies,
• BP, Statistical Review of World Energy,
• European Commission, Energy security,
• International Energy Agency,
• Oxford Institute for Energy Studies,
• Politico, Energy and climate,
• SIPRI, Energy security in Europe,
Więcej informacji
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