Image Building and Protocol with Ceremonial Rules in Politics and Diplomacy 2751-IP-S2-2-IB
The main aim of the lecture is to make students acquainted with the rules of image building, diplomatic protocol and ceremony, as well as good manners and etiquette, which can make existing in a contemporary world much easier. During the lecture basic principles of savoir-vivre in Poland, Europe and all over the world will be discussed. Among others, the subjects mentioned below will be talking about: image in social media, preparation for and behaviour during social and business meetings, dress code, intercultural negotiations, the most common mistakes and faux pas and the best tips on how to avoid them.
1. Organisational aspects.
2. Diplomatic protocol, savoir-vivre and etiquette – origins, basic vocabulary. Do we still need to bother with good manners and image building? Is knowledge of good manners necessary in contemporary world? - discussion.
3. Image building
- image components
- greeting and welcoming (i.e. hand shaking and kissing)
- distance zones
4. Official meetings and ceremonies (1/2)
- welcome and farewell events
- flag protocol - basic rules
- the rule of precedence
5. Official meetings and ceremonies (2/2)
- ceremonial signing of contracts and agreements (technical and organizational aspects)
- family photo
- seating arrangements
6. Business cards
- design of a perfect business card
- student's presentation of their business cards (send me your designs via e-mail at least 1 day before class)
7./8. Official and business parties - types, management, rules
- types of social and business meetings and parties
- table arrangement
- invitations
- menu card, name cards
- seating arrangements
9./10. Proper behaving at the table
- beverages - basic information, selection, serving
- dishes - basic information, selection, serving
- behaving at the table
- tricky dishes
- speeches and toasts
11. Gifts and flowers in official circumstances
12. Dress code in business situations
- men's outfits
- women's outfits
- accessories
- overdressed and underdressed
13. Phone conversations and netiquette:
- phone conversations
- internet correspondence – netiquette
14. Final exam.
15. Final meeting.
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
Metody dydaktyczne
Metody dydaktyczne podające
- opis
- pogadanka
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące
- sytuacyjna
- ćwiczeniowa
- studium przypadku
- klasyczna metoda problemowa
Metody dydaktyczne w kształceniu online
- metody odnoszące się do autentycznych lub fikcyjnych sytuacji
- metody wymiany i dyskusji
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Wymagania wstępne
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
Final exam – written or oral (over 50% – K1, K2, S1, S2, S3), attendance at lectures, pluses obtained for active participation in the lecture (K1, K2, S1, S2, S3, SC1, SC2).
Two absences are allowed during the semester without the need to provide an excuse.
All information regarding, for example, Individual Study Organization (IOS) should be reported within the first month of the start of the course.
1. Modrzyńska J., Protokoł dyplomatyczny, etykieta i zasady savoir-vivre'u, Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2022
2. Debrett’s New Guide to Etiquette and Modern Manners, various editions
3. Debrett’s A-Z of Modern Manners, various editions
4. Beyfus D., Modern Manners, Hamlyn, 1992
5. Rees N., Guide to Good Manners, Bloomsbury, 1992
Więcej informacji
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