Peace-Building and Human Security 2751-IP-S2-1-PBHS
Apart from the information contained in the brief description the classes will attempt to answer the following questions:
1. How to define security, national security, international security, socio-cultural security, economic security and, in the light of this, human security? What are the relations between the latter and socio-cultural and economic security?
2. What were the reasons for the concept of human security to arise? What is its genesis? Is this concept useful at all?
3. What is the value of the concept of human security? Is it innovative?
4. How should we understand peace?
5. What activities are undertaken in the framework of peace building and what organs and institutions may contribute to peace building and are they efficient?
6. What is the role of peace keeping operations for the peace building?
7. What is the role of humanitarian interventions and “responsibility to protect” concept for peace building?
8. What is the role of humanitarian and developmental aid in building peace and development?
9. Will and how the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals translate into peace building and implementing human security?
10. What is the role of the rule of law for peace building?
11. What is the role of transitional justice for peace building? What mechanisms may be utilized in the framework of transitional justice?
12. What is the role of international criminal tribunals in the fight against impunity and eradicating violence and in this way peace building and implementing human security?
13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of transitional justice mechanisms?
14. What is the role of civil society for peace building?
15. What is the role of civil society on solving the problem of “failed States?”
16. What meaning the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of combatants have for peace building?
17. What meaning the proliferation of small and light weapons has for peace building?
18. What are the instruments ate the disposal of international community to fights illegal trade in small and light weapons?
19. What is the role of peace building for the “failed States” problem solution?
20. What are the implications of the State failure to human security?
21. What are the solutions for “failed States” problem?
22. What is the role of peace building and human security in the fight against terrorism?
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
Metody dydaktyczne
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
Each student taking part in the classes has to present a paper (oral presentation – K1, K2, K3, S1, S2). I will also take into account the attendance and activities during classes (SC1, SC2).
1 absence is allowed.
Praktyki zawodowe
Not applicable
Basic literature:
1. Bloomfield D., Barnes T., Huyse L. (ed.), Reconciliation After Violent Conflict. A Handbook, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Stockholm 2003;
2. Chesterman S., Ignatieff M., Thakur R. (ed.), Making states work. State failure and the crisis of governance, United Nations University, Tokyo-New York-Paris 2005;
3. Mason T. D., Meernik J. D. (ed.), Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in Post-War Societies. Sustaining the Peace, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York-London 2006;
4. Tigerstrom (von) B., Human Security and International Law. Prospects and Problems, Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, 2007;
Additional literature:
5. Arnold R., Knoops G. J. A. (ed.), Practice and Policies of Modern Peace Operations Under International Law, Transnational Publishers, Inc., New York 2006;
6. Holzgrefe J. L., Keohane R. O. (ed.), Humanitarian Intervention. Ethical, Legal, and Political Dilemmas, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003;
7. Schmitt M. N., Beruto G. L. (ed.), Terrorism and International Law: Challenges and Responses, San Remo, 2003;
8. Thakur R., The United Nations, Peace and Security, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2006;
9. Welsh J. M. (red.), Humanitarian Intervention and International Relations, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004.
Więcej informacji
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