Interrogation Techniques for Law Enforcement and Security Personnel 2751-BW-KONJA-15-IT
The aim of the course is the acquisition by students of knowledge, skills and competences in the conduct of the interrogation. They will learn the legal, psychological and forensic determinants of this process. The essence of the classes are the interrogation techniques of the FBI. We will work on the manual by John R. Schafer, Joe Navarro, Advanced Interrogation Techniques. Proven Strategies for Law Enforcement, Military, and Security Personnel. Second Edition. 2010.
The list of subjects include planning the interrogation, establishing dominance, setting the place for interrogation and props that may be used, assessing the person interrogated, establishing rapport between an investigator and an interrogated person, detecting deception, interpreting nonverbal and verbal behavior or capabilities or techniques useful in the interrogation process.
Knowledge acquired during this course may be useful for law enforcement, military and security personnel as well as in everyday life in order to detect a lie.
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
Metody dydaktyczne
Metody dydaktyczne podające
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące
Wymagania wstępne
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
Each student taking part in the classes has to present a paper (oral presentation). I will also take into account the attendance and activities during classes. 1 absence is possible with no consequences.
John R. Schafer, Joe Navarro, Advanced Interrogation Techniques. Proven Strategies for Law Enforcement, Military, and Security Personnel. Second Edition. 2010 (and for Polish students Polish translation - John R. Schafer, Joe Navarro, Zaawansowane techniki przesłuchań. Sprawdzone strategie dla organów ścigania, wojska i personelu bezpieczeństwa (tłumaczenie, adaptacja tekstu i komentarze Agnieszka Szpak, Rafał Kwasiński, Przemysław Jerzy Wrzosek), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń 2017.
Ch. Yeschke, Interrogation : achieving confessions using permissible persuasion, Springfield: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 2004.
W cyklu 2022/23Z:
Due to coronavirus pandemic the classes will be conducted through Microsoft Teams application. |
W cyklu 2023/24Z:
Due to coronavirus pandemic the classes will be conducted through Microsoft Teams application. |
Więcej informacji
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