Basics of medical geomatics 2600-AC-BMG-M5
1. General and theoretical basics of the medical geography, public health and epidemiology.
2. The history of medical geography and public health.
3. Basics of cartography and geographic information systems (GIS).
4. The history of medical cartography.
5. Spatial analysis in medical geography and public health.
6. Advanced spatial analysis in medical geography and public health.
7. The state and prospects of medical geography and geomatics in Poland and the World.
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
Metody dydaktyczne
Wymagania wstępne
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
Assessment methods:
- test - types of questions: (1) long answer questions, (2) short answer questions, (3) multiple choice, (4) singel choice – W1, W2, U2, U3;
- presence (min. 85%)
Assessment criteria:
satisfactory - 50%
satisfactory plus - 60%
good - 70%
good plus- 80%
very good- 90%
1. Selinus O., Alloway B. J., 2005, Essentials of Medical Geology:Impacts of the Natural Environment on Public Health, [electronic resource], Elsevier, Amsterdam; Boston
2. Meade M.S., Emch M., 2010, Medical Geography, The Guilford Press; Third edition
3. Cromley E.K., McLafferty S.L., 2012, GIS and Public Health, The Guilford Press; 2nd edition
Więcej informacji
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