Academic writing 2510-f1ENG3W-AW
The course develops students’ academic writing skills on C1 level and focuses on the skills required to write a BA thesis. Throughout the semester, paraphrasing, summarising, citing, and referencing will be practised in shorter texts, with particular attention paid to the ability to work with academic sources and to document their use in accordance with the Department of English stylesheet.
Content distribution:
- principles of ethical use of sources and issues related to citing sources, and creating lists of references,
- paraphrasing,
- summarising,
- integrating quotations with the text,
- introduction to the Department of English BA stylesheet and the structure of the BA thesis,
- introduction to argumentation in academic texts (cohesion and coherence – in short texts)
- formal register
W cyklu 2022/23Z:
As in part A |
W cyklu 2023/24Z:
As in part A |
W cyklu 2024/25Z:
As in part A |
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
Metody dydaktyczne
Metody dydaktyczne podające
- opis
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące
- ćwiczeniowa
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
W cyklu 2022/23Z: | W cyklu 2023/24Z: | W cyklu 2024/25Z: |
Kryteria oceniania
Written assignments created in class and as homework. (U1, U2)
Observation of participation documented in an activity log (K1, K2)
Mid-semester tests and end-of-semester writing test (W1, U1, U2)
Assessment criteria:
Academic Writing course grades will be given in reference to the following criteria:
fail – 0 – 59%
satisfatory - 60 – 69%
satisfactory plus - 70 – 75%
good - 76 – 85%
good plus - 86 – 90%
very good - 91 – 100%
Instructors are authorized to refuse credit when the student’s absenteeism rate is around 50%.
Timely completion of assigned tasks is obligatory. In the case of assignments submitted after the deadline or re-submitted, the grade is lowered.
Required reading (selected chapters):
Bailey, S. 2006. Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students. London and New York: Routledge.
Dellar, H., Walkley, A. 2012. Outcomes. Advanced. Andover: Cengage Learning.
Macpherson, Robin. 1996. English for Writers and Translators. Warszawa.
BA stylesheet (available at the website of the Department of English).
Selection of texts and materials developed by the teachers, made available on the Moodle platform.
W cyklu 2022/23Z:
As in part A |
W cyklu 2023/24Z:
As in part A |
W cyklu 2024/25Z:
As in part A |
W cyklu 2022/23Z:
As in part A |
W cyklu 2023/24Z:
As in part A |
W cyklu 2024/25Z:
As in part A |
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: