Prowadzony w
2021/22L, 2022/23L, 2023/24L, 2024/25L
Kod ISCED: 0231
Punkty ECTS:
Organizowany przez:
Wydział Humanistyczny
BA seminar 2510-f1ENG3S-BA
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W cyklu 2021/22L:
as specified above |
W cyklu 2022/23L:
as specified above |
W cyklu 2023/24L:
as specified above |
W cyklu 2024/25L:
as specified above |
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
(po angielsku) TRANSLATION STUDIES (dr Dorota Guttfeld)
Seminar = 30 hrs
Individual consultation with the supervisor (office hours, e-mail, Moodle) = 15 hrs
Individual work:
- preparing for the in-class presentation of BA research = 15 hrs
- reading assigned material for BA project = 30 hrs
- BA-project (research) = 50 hrs
- BA-project (planning and writing) = 50 hrs
- correcting and proofreading the work = 20 hrs
- preparing and practicing for the BA defence = 5 hrs
TOTAL 325 hours (13 ECTS points)
LITERARY STUDIES (dr Joanna Antoniak)
Seminar: 30 hours
Individual consultation with the supervisor (office hours, e-mail): 20 hours
Individual work: 225 hours
- reading assigned texts and preparation for class: 50 hours
- preparing a presentaton on the current state of research: 20 hours
- conducting the research for BA thesis and writing: 180 hours
- preparing for the BA exam: 25 hours
TOTAL 325 hours (13 ECTS points)
Seminar: 30 hrs
Individual consultation with the supervisor (office hours, e-mail): 20 hrs
Individual work: 275 hrs
- reading and preparation for classes: 25 hrs
- conducting research for BA thesis and writing, editing: 225 hrs
- preparing for BA exam: 25 hrs
Total: 325 hrs (13 ECTS)
EMPIRICAL LINGUISTICS (dr hab. Sławomir Wacewicz, prof. UMK)
Seminar = 30h
Individual meetings with the supervisor (onsite = office hours, Moodle) = 30h
Individual work = 240h
- Reading texts – course material and texts individually calibrated to individual projects (35h)
- Work on experimental projects (90h)
- Writing BA projects (100h)
Preparing for the BA exam (25h)
TOTAL 325 hours (13 ECTS points)
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
(po angielsku) TRANSLATION STUDIES (dr Dorota Guttfeld)
W1: The student has an advanced knowledge of terminology and methodology applicable in translation studies, the types and causes of phenomena encountered in translation, and the correlations between them, (K_W10)
LITERARY STUDIES (dr Joanna Antoniak)
W1: The student has advanced knowledge of Anglophone literature and of such aspects as periodisation, genres and forms, and works by selected authors (K_W04).
W2: The student has advanced knowledge of literary studies (K_W05).
W3: The student has advanced knowledge of the connections between literary studies and related studies in the Humanities (K_W06).
W4: The student has advanced knowledge of selected historical, social, religious, philosophical and political issues connected to and influencing literary studies (K_W07).
W5: The student has advanced knowledge concerning the English language used in literary studies (K_W10).
W1: The student has advanced knowledge of selected aspects of English-language culture (K_W08).
EMPIRICAL LINGUISTICS (dr hab. Sławomir Wacewicz, prof. UMK)
W1: The student understands linguistics as a discipline studying communication and its link to other disciples studying communication. K_W06
W2: The student has basic knowledge of linguistic terminology and methodology. K_W07
W3: The student has basic knowledge of the nonverbal communication. K_W11
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
(po angielsku) TRANSLATION STUDIES (dr Dorota Guttfeld)
The student is able to
U1: seek, analyse, assess, select, and apply information using various sources to choose a relevant methodology for research in translation studies (K_U01)
U2: understand academic texts in the field of translation studies (K_U02)
U3: present their research results, adjusting the content and level of detail at the supervisor’s request (K_U05)
U4: apply selected theoretical approaches and paradigms relevant to translation studies (K_U06)
U5: follow the assigned objectives and instructions formulated by their academic supervisor (K_U07)
U6: provide and take constructive feedback on a research project (K_U08)
U7: outline and follow steps leading towards a timely completion of their BA research project, modifying the timeline if necessary (K_U09)
U8: research academic sources, including reference books and online journals on translation studies (K_U10)
U9: write their diploma thesis in academic English, referring to selected theoretical approaches and a variety of sources (K_U14)
U10: effectively present their research questions, a summary of research project and its results (K_U15)
U11: conduct a search of library holdings, use databases and the Internet, to identify, review, choose and document pertinent sources for their research project (K_U16)
U12: prepare a list of references, add notes with due care as to the copyright, format documents using a word processor, following department guidelines as regards BA thesis format. (K_U16)
LITERARY STUDIES (dr Joanna Antoniak)
U1: The student is able to search for, analyze, evaluate, select, and apply information using various sources to choose a methodology for research in literary studies (K_U01).
U2: The student is able to integrate basic theoretical perspectives and paradigms pertaining to literary studies (K_U06).
U3: The student is able to fulfill research tasks following objectives and instructions formulated by their academic supervisor (K_U07).
U4: The student is able to work in a group, taking on various roles. (K_U08)
U5: The student is able to gain and deepen their knowledge and develop their research skills in the field of literary studies on their own (K_U10).
U6: The student is able to compose an outline of a research text and write a significant portion of a BA thesis (K_U14).
U7: The student displays argumentation skills and is able to refer to scholars’ opinions as well as to draw conclusions (K_U15).
U8: The student is able to conduct a preliminary search of library holdings, use databases and the Internet, prepare a list of references, add notes with due care as to the copyright, format documents using a word processor and make a presentation (K_U16).
U1: The student is able to search for, analyze, evaluate, select and apply information using various sources to choose a methodology for research in cultural studies (K_U01).
U2: The student is able to integrate basic theoretical perspectives and paradigms pertaining to cultural studies into their work to create a complete BA thesis (K_U06, K_U14).
U3: The student is able to fulfil research tasks prioritizing objectives to achieve the goals set for their thesis by their supervisor and by themselves (K_U09).
U4: The student is able to work on their own in order to conduct an advanced search of library holdings, use databases and the Internet in order to deepen their knowledge and conduct original research (K_U10)
U5: The student can format their entire thesis and prepare a complete list of references according to department stylesheet and supervisor's guidance (K_U16).
EMPIRICAL LINGUISTICS (dr hab. Sławomir Wacewicz, prof. UMK)
U1: The student is able to formulate research questions, hypotheses and operationalise concepts pertaining to the study of linguistic communication. K_U01
U2: The student is able to integrate - in a methodologically correct way - theoretical knowledge of linguistics into empirical projects. K_U01
U3: The student is able to use various sources to further their research - academic journals and monographs, Internet sources, computer programmes – and integrate them into their BA projects. K_U01
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
(po angielsku) TRANSLATION STUDIES (dr Dorota Guttfeld)
The student
K1: is aware of the level of their knowledge and skills and understands the need for constant learning and development. (K_K01)
K2: able to use information and to solve cognitive and practical problems related to developing their diploma thesis (K_K05)
LITERARY STUDIES (dr Joanna Antoniak)
K1: the student is aware of the level of their knowledge and skills and understands the need for constant learning and development in the field of literary studies (K_K01).
K1: The student is aware of the level of their knowledge and skills and understands the need for constant learning and development in the field of cultural studies (K_K01),
EMPIRICAL LINGUISTICS (dr hab. Sławomir Wacewicz, prof. UMK)
K1: The student is aware of the level of their knowledge and skills and understands the need for constant learning and development. K_K01
Metody dydaktyczne
(po angielsku) TRANSLATION STUDIES (dr Dorota Guttfeld)
-) Seminar
-) Project work
-) Case study
-) Presentation of paper
LITERARY STUDIES (dr Joanna Antoniak)
- Seminar
- Project work
- Case study
- Presentation of paper
- Seminar
- Project work
- Case study
- Presentation of paper
EMPIRICAL LINGUISTICS (dr hab. Sławomir Wacewicz, prof. UMK)
-) Seminar
-) Project work
-) Case study
-) Presentation of paper (data-orientated)
Metody dydaktyczne eksponujące
- symulacyjna (gier symulacyjnych)
- pokaz
- pokaz
Metody dydaktyczne podające
- wykład konwersatoryjny
- wykład informacyjny (konwencjonalny)
- wykład informacyjny (konwencjonalny)
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące
- projektu
- seminaryjna
- referatu
- studium przypadku
- ćwiczeniowa
- seminaryjna
- referatu
- studium przypadku
- ćwiczeniowa
Wymagania wstępne
(po angielsku) -) fluent command of English (at least B2+)
-) academic interests in the field represented by the seminar
-) completing winter term of BA seminar
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
W cyklu 2024/25L: | W cyklu 2023/24L: | W cyklu 2022/23L: | W cyklu 2021/22L: |
W cyklu 2021/22L:
as specified above |
W cyklu 2022/23L:
as specified above |
W cyklu 2023/24L:
as specified above |
W cyklu 2024/25L:
as specified above |
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: