Prowadzony w
Punkty ECTS:
Organizowany przez:
Katedra Radiologii i Diagnostyki Obrazowej
Wydział Lekarski)
9.1. Radiologia 1655-LekM5WRRD-J
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Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
(po angielsku) 1. The workload related to activities requiring the direct participation
of academic teachers is:
participation in lectures: 2 hours
preparation for lecturs: 2 hours
consultation: 3 hour
Workload related to demanding activities
the direct participation of academic teachers is
7 hours, corresponding to 0.26 ECTS
2. Student workload balance:
participation in lectures: 2 hours
preparation for classes (including reading the indicated literature): 5
preparation for the exam and credit: 4 hours
The total student workload is 11 hours, every
corresponds to 0.5 ECTS point.
3. The workload related to the scientific research carried out:
reading of the indicated scientific literature: 2 hours
participation in lectures (including research results and scientific
studies in the field Developmental age medicine): 2 hours
preparation to pass (including scientific studies in the field of
Developmental age medicine): 2 hours
consultations including scientific papers in theDevelopmental age
medicine: 1 hour
The total student workload associated with the conducted
Scientific research is 7 hours, which corresponds
0.5 ECTS points
4. Time required to prepare and to participate in the assessment
preparation to pass: 5 hours
(0.18 ECTS points)
5. Balance of practical student workload:
participation in lectures: 2 hours
preparation for lectures: 1 hour
preparation for passing 8 hours
The total student workload of a practical nature
is 11 hours, corresponding to 0.5 ECTS
6. Time required to complete the compulsory practice:
not applicable
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
(po angielsku) W1: knows causes, symptoms, and principles of diagnosis and
treatment of the most common childhood diseases: (E K_W03),
W2: knows concepts of: battered child syndrome, sexual abuse,
mental impairment, behavioural disorders: psychosis, addiction,
eating and excretion disorders in children (E K_W04),
W3: knows the most common life-threatening conditions in
children, and the principles of radiological diagnostics in these
states (E K_W06);
W4: causes, symptoms, and principles of diagnosis and treatment of
the most common diseases requiring surgical intervention, with
regard to the specificity of childhood diseases, particularly: 1) acute
and chronic diseases of the abdominal cavity 2) thoracic diseases 3)
limb and head diseases 4) bone fractures and organ injuries (F
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
(po angielsku) U1: canperform a differential diagnosis of the most common diseases
in adults and children (E K_U12);
U2:plan specialist consultations (E K_U32);
U3:examine the breasts, lymph nodes and thyroid glands, examine
abdominal cavity for acute abdomen, and perform a digital rectal
examination (FK_U06);
U4:during paediatric examination, identify behaviours and symptoms
indicating the possibility of domestic violence on the child
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
(po angielsku) K1: Is guided by the good of the patient, putting them first
K2: Shows respect for the patient and understanding of
worldviews and cultural differences (K.K5)
K3: ability to identify and recognise own limitations and to
self-assess educational deficits and needs; (K.K7)
Metody dydaktyczne
(po angielsku) lectures:
informative lecture
conversation lecture
didactic discussion
case studies
Wymagania wstępne
(po angielsku) A student starting education in the subject should have knowledge of
physics in the field of secondary school and knowledge of human
anatomy and physiology in the scope of the relevant subjects taught
during the studies. Should know the rules of BLS.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: