Prowadzony w
2022/23, 2023/24
Kod Erasmus: 12.1
Kod ISCED: 0912
Punkty ECTS:
brak danych
Organizowany przez:
Katedra Położnictwa, Chorób Kobiecych i Ginekologii Onkologicznej
Wydział Lekarski)
2. Moduł: Płciowość w medycynie 1655-LekM5PWM-J
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W cyklu 2022/23:
Moduł Płciowość w medycynie zawiera w sobie następujące przedmioty: |
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
(po angielsku) 70 hours of lessons, including 20 hours of tutorials, 2 hours of e-learning and 38 hours of seminars.
Hours requiring individual student work:
- preparation for classes and exams - 36 hours,
- reading literature - 35.5 hours,
A total of 142.5 hours, which corresponds to 5.7 ECTS.
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
(po angielsku) W1: has knowledge related to female reproductive functions, their disorders as well as diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, in particular in the field of:
1) the menstrual cycle and its disorders,
2) gynecological inflammations and cancers,
3) fertility regulation,
4) basic diagnostic methods and gynecological procedures (F.W9
W2: Has knowledge and understands causes, symptoms, principles
diagnosis and treatment in the most common
diseases of the nervous system, including:
a. Cerebrovascular disease, in particular stroke
b. Epilepsy
c. Dementias, in particular Alzheimer's disease, dementia
frontal, vascular dementia and other syndromes
d. Diseases of the basal ganglia, especially Parkinson's disease
e. Demyelinating diseases (E K_W14)
W3: knows the international anatomical nomenclature in Polish and English or Latin concerning the structures of female organs
gender – AK_W01
W4: knows the structure of the female genital organs - AK_W02
W5: Uses pathomorphological nomenclature in the field of gynecological diseases, including neoplastic diseases
non-cancerous (C.W26)
W6: Interprets the clinical course and macro- and microscopic picture of disease processes in selected gynecological diseases
W7: Lists external and internal pathogens, modifiable and non-modifiable leading to pathology in
gynecological diseases (C.W33)
W8: issues of human sexuality and basic disorders related to it E.W21.
W9: issues of the abused child and sexual abuse; mental retardation and mental and behavioral disorders E.W4.
W10: forms of violence, models explaining violence in the family and violence in selected institutions, social determinants of various forms of violence and the role of a doctor in its diagnosis D.W3.
W11: basic psychological mechanisms of human functioning in health and disease D.W9.
W12: rules for preparing expert opinions in criminal matters, and in particular obtain systematic knowledge of:
- human sexual development, including: biological, psychological and social aspects of sexuality,
- regularities and mechanisms governing sexuality in the human life cycle,
- sexual norms and pathology,
*has knowledge of human sexuality and basic disorders related to it
* presents the boundaries of sexual norms and pathologies, models of sexuality and characterizes sexual activity in different periods of human life;
* characterizes disorders and pathologies, including sexual violence
* knows the psychosocial aspects of sexual and family-oriented education;
* knows selected disorders related to human sexual life and sexual pathology, differentiates sexual violence in terms of types, symptoms and consequences, and knows methods of prevention and forms of help for victims of sexual violence
* differentiates the sexual reaction cycle of a woman and a man, defines and differentiates sexual disorders and pathologies and presents the dangers of early sexual initiation G.W15.
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
(po angielsku) The student is able to:
U1: provide assistance during joint surgical procedures, prepare the operating area and administer local anesthesia to the surgical site (F.U1)
U2: monitoring of postoperative patients based on their vital signs (F.U12)
U3: specify recommendations, indications and contraindications related to the use of contraception (F.U18)
U4. Draws conclusions about the relationships between structures
brain anatomy in mentally ill patients
based on diagnostic tests, in particular based on:
computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging,
using contrast agents, functional resonance imaging
magnetic (A. U4)
U5: explains the anatomical basis of gynecological examination - AK_U03
U6: draws conclusions about the relationships between the structures of the female reproductive system based on the knowledge of topographic anatomy - AK_U04
U7: uses the international anatomical nomenclature in speech and writing - AK_U05
U8: plan diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic procedures E.U16.
U9: conduct medical history with the child and his family E.U2.
U10: conduct a conversation with an adult patient, a child and a family using the technique of active listening and expressing empathy, and talk to the patient about his life situation D.U5.
U11: identify risk factors for violence, recognize violence and react appropriately D.U10.
U12: assess and describe the somatic and mental state of the patient E.U13
U13: recognize during the examination of the child behaviors and symptoms indicating the possibility of violence against the child G.U7.
U14: assess the stage of sexual maturation E.U10.
U15: establish recommendations, indications and contraindications regarding the use of contraceptive methods; and in particular also
interprets and applies in practice issues related to:
- basic terms used in sexology and mechanisms regulating functions
- sexual problems, disorders and pathologies:
* psychological and psychiatric problems during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium (depression, neurosis and neurotic disorders, psychoses, personality disorders);
* recognizes psychosexual problems of postpartum women and directs the patient with the identified problem to a specialist (psychologist, sexologist)
* recognizes problems resulting from early sexual initiation and determines the impact of moral issues such as pornography and "fashion for sex" on the psyche of children and adolescents;
* conducts education in the field of available methods of contraception, teaches natural methods of conception control
* recognizes sexual disorders and pathologies F.U18.
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
(po angielsku) Student:
K1: specifying the responsibility related to executive decisions as part of the activity, including the business and third party bank (K.K02)
K2: has the option of medical confidentiality and other patient rights (K.K05)
K3: has the authority to perform the principles of the College of the Commission and cooperation within this staff, including other medical professions, as well as in a multicultural and multinational environment (K.K06)
K4: has marking and recognition of limitations and self-assessment of definitions and educational needs (K.K07)
K5: treatment of a psychiatric patient based on ethical principles, recognition of social conditions and limitations in dealing with the disease (K_K08)
K6: promotes healthy behavior among psychiatric patients (K_K09).
K7: has a habit and characteristic training - K_K08
K8: Evaluating a critical source of information about the operation (K_K01) the effect of using in stationary conditions
K9: Attempts to solve ethical problems related to pathomorphological diagnostics (K_K02) learning outcome
stationary conditions
K10: Shows an attitude that responsibility for human health and life must be demonstrated and puts the good of the patient first
th place (K_K02, K_K04) - the effect of learning in stationary conditions
K11: Demonstrates a posture that is used to collect information obtained during pathological examination i
any responsibility for this information (K_K05). the effect will happen under stationary conditions
K12: He stayed with the team of specialists to determine the final diagnosis (K_K06) the effect of using himself in the conditions
K13: Shows the habit of self-education (K_K07) the effect of using oneself in stationary conditions
K14: Formulas of conclusions from observations (K_K10) the effect of action in stationary conditions
K15: assuming responsibility for executive decisions in commercial activities, including associations of the state and others; in every:
* demonstrate moral responsibility for a human being and perform professional tasks K_K02.
K16: establishing and maintaining deep contact with the patient, as well as showing differences for worldviews and cultures; including
* effective and efficient empathic communication with the patient
* respect the dignity and autonomy of people using care K_K03.
K17: guided by a good patient, placing them in the first place K_K04.
K18: medical confidentiality and any rights of the patient K_K05.
K19: establishing the principles of camaraderie and cooperation in industry units, including representatives of other medical professions, also in a multicultural and multinational environment; including
* cooperation within an interdisciplinary team in solving health problems of patients' health; K_K06
K20: perceiving and perceiving limitations and perceiving self-assessment of educational deficits and needs; in which:
* Knowledge extending the topic of sexology and development opportunities in a given field
* attending a professional workshop, striving for professionalism K_K07.
K21: taking actions towards the patient based on ethical principles, with awareness of social conditions and limitations related to the disease; including:
* an attempt to develop ethical issues; K_K08. K8: promoting pro-health behaviors, and also develops the attitude:
* openness to the development of one's own and the patient's subjectivity K_K09
Metody dydaktyczne
(po angielsku) Seminars, exercises, classes in the medical simulation center
Metody dydaktyczne eksponujące
- pokaz
- symulacyjna (gier symulacyjnych)
- symulacyjna (gier symulacyjnych)
Metody dydaktyczne podające
- opis
- pogadanka
- pogadanka
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące
- giełda pomysłów
- seminaryjna
- ćwiczeniowa
- obserwacji
- seminaryjna
- ćwiczeniowa
- obserwacji
Metody dydaktyczne w kształceniu online
- metody wymiany i dyskusji
Rodzaj przedmiotu
przedmiot obligatoryjny
Wymagania wstępne
(po angielsku) Knowledge in the field of gynecology propaedeutics. Anatomy, physiology of the reproductive organ.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: