10.2. Aspekty prawne medycyny sądowej
Description of the role and tasks of forensic medicine, as an interdisciplinary field with special emphasis on the.: the differences between procedures addressed for legal and therapeutic purposes as well as differences in the workshop of forensic pathologist and other physicians.
• Aims and objectives of forensic medicine
• Thanatology: Types of death. Post-mortem lesions. Examination of scene where the body was found.
• Legal principles of medical profession
• Forensic Anthropology
• Paternity testing
• Biological evidence identification
• General toxicology with special focus on alcohol toxicology and intoxication examination
• Sudden asphyxiation
• Interpretation of the wording in the Criminal Code relating to the classification of bodily injury, medical examination for the purpose of criminal proceedings
• Body injury, traffic accident investigations , firearms and gunshot injuries.
• Civil Code. Civil and Insurance Claims.
• Body examination, evaluation of signs of death and their use for determining the time of death. Autopsies and their techniques. Sample/evidence collection for further investigations: histological, toxicological, genetic.
• Principles for preparation and evaluation of the autopsy protocol.
• Testimony in criminal cases: examination of victims and perpetrators. Principles of examinations and protocols writing. Assessment of the injury extent and its legal classification.
• Testimony based on medico-legal documentation. Case files analysis and evidence data collection in order to establish injury mechanism.
• Civil judicature, assessment of the injury extent and its legal classification. Case file analysis and evidence data collection.
• Infanticide, child abuse syndrome and domestic violence. Sexual assault evidence collection and recovery.
• Practical forensic application of DNA evidence.
• Principles of anthropological examination.
• Evidence recover techniques and analysis principles in most common intoxications.
• Trial testimony as an alternative to case file work.3
• Ethics Committees
W cyklu 2022/23:
• Principles for preparation and evaluation of the autopsy protocol. • Testimony in criminal cases: examination of victims and perpetrators. Principles of examinations and protocols writing. Assessment of the injury extent and its legal classification. • Testimony based on medico-legal documentation. Case files analysis and evidence data collection in order to establish injury mechanism. • Civil judicature, assessment of the injury extent and its legal classification. Case file analysis and evidence data collection. • Infanticide, child abuse syndrome and domestic violence. Sexual assault evidence collection and recovery. • Practical forensic application of DNA evidence. • Principles of anthropological examination. • Evidence recover techniques and analysis principles in most common intoxications. • Trial testimony as an alternative to case file work.3 • Ethics Committees
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
1.Study hours involving teacher participation:
- seminars – 18 hours;
- consultation – 1 hour
- examination – 1 hour
Workload related to activities demanding direct participation of academic teachers is 20 hours, which corresponds to 0,8ECTS.
2.Study hours involving individual student work:
- seminars – 18 hours;
- preparation for passing the subject: 6 + 0.5 = 6.5 hours (0.26
ECTS point).
The total student workload is 24,5h, which corresponds to 0,98 ECTS.
3.Time required to prepare and to participate in
assessment process:
- preparation for passing: 6 + 0.5 = 6.5 hours (0.26
ECTS point).
4. Balance of practical student workload:
not applicable.
5. Time required for completing compulsory practice:
not applicable.
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
G.W6. basic legal regulations pertaining to the organisation and financing of health care, national health insurance, and the principles of organisation of healthcare entities
G.W8, Knows the legal obligations of a physician for the declaration of death;
G.W9, Knows the regulations concerning medical experiment, and conducting other medical research;
G.W10. Knows the legal regulations on of transplantation, artificial procreation, abortion, aesthetic treatments and palliative treatment, mental illness;
G.W12, Knows the rules of medical confidentiality, maintaining medical records, criminal and civil professional liability;
G.W14. Knows and understands the concept of sudden death and violent death as well as the difference between the concepts of trauma and injuries;
G.W17. Knows the principles of forensic examinations and reporting of: the ability to participate in court proceeding; injury extent of biological and health damage
G.W18. Knows the concept of a medical error, the most common causes of medical errors and principles of reporting in such cases;
G.W19. Knows the principles of toxicological and haemogenetics evidence collection.
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
G.U3 instruct individuals receiving healthcare services in their fundamental rights and explain the legal basis for those services
G.U4 issue medical certificates to patients, their families and external entities
G.U6 seek to avoid medical errors in own professional practice;
G.U7 take blood for toxicological testing and secure samples for haemogenetic testing
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
K.K1 awareness of own limitations and ability to pursue continuing education
K.K2 ability to work under uncertainty and stress
K.K3 ability to establish and maintain close and respectful relationships with patients
K.K4 ability to consider patients’ well-being as a priority
K.K5 respect to patients and understanding of worldview and cultural differences
K.K6 ability to observe medical confidentiality and other patient rights (including the right to information,
intimacy, informed decision, dignified dying)
K.K7 ability to cooperate with representatives of other healthcare professions
K.K8 habit of and skills related to pursuing continuing education
Metody dydaktyczne
- discussion
- seminar
- case report
Metody dydaktyczne eksponujące
- pokaz
Metody dydaktyczne podające
- opis
- pogadanka
- opowiadanie
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
Assessment methods:
- Final test credit consisting of 20 questions;
fail – 0 – 6 pts (0-59%)
satisfactory – 6,5-7 pts (60–70%)
satisfactory plus – 7,5-8 pts (71–80%)
good – 8,5-9 pts (81–87%)
good plus – 9,5 (88-94%)
very good – 10 pts (95-100%)
Praktyki zawodowe
• B. Madea; Handbook of Forensic Medicine; 2014 by Wiley Blackwell
• V.J. DiMaio, D. Dimaio; Forensic Pathology; Second Edition; 2001 by CRC Press LLC
• B. Knight, P. Saukko; Knight’s Forensic Pathology Fourth Edition; 2004 by CRC Press LLC
Więcej informacji
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