Prowadzony w
2022/23, 2023/24
Kod Erasmus: 12.1
Kod ISCED: 0912
Punkty ECTS:
brak danych
Organizowany przez:
Katedra Medycyny Sądowej
Wydział Lekarski)
10. Moduł: Aspekty pracy zawodowej lekarza 1655-LekM5APZ-J
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Metody dydaktyczne
Rules for calculating the modular exam for the module:
Aspects of a medical profession
The unit responsible for conducting the examination:
Department of Forensic Medicine email:
1. Each department participating in the module conducts a partial examination from the course it conducts.
2. The weight of each partial exam depends on the number of ECTS points in a given subject:
A- Organization of residency internship and private practice (ECTS 0.4) - weight 0.16
B- Legal aspects of forensic medicine (ECTS 1.2) - weight 0.48
C- Communication aspects of court proceedings in medicine (ECTS 0.15) - weight 0.06
D- Career strategy (ECTS 0.4) - weight 0.16
E- Organization of a family doctor's practice (ECTS 0.35) - weight 0.14
3. The results of individual exams in percentage form are sent to the unit responsible for conducting the exam.
4. The student's final grade for the modular exam is calculated according to the following formula:
0,16*A + 0,48*B + 0,06*C + 0,16*D + 0,14*E
A- Percentage of points obtained by the student in the partial exam in the subject Organization of residency internship and private practice
B- Percentage of points obtained by the student in the partial exam in the subject Legal aspects of forensic medicine
C- Percentage of points obtained by the student in the partial exam in the subject Communication aspects of court proceedings in medicine
D- Percentage of points obtained by the student in the partial exam in the course Career strategy
E- Percentage of points obtained by the student from the partial exam in the subject Organization of a family doctor's practice
5. The obtained percentage result is then converted into a grade in accordance with the table included in the study regulations.
% pt subject A – 65%
% pt subject B – 78%
% pt subject C – 90%
% pt subject D – 88%
% pt subject E – 60%
0,16*65% + 0,48*78% + 0,06*90% + 0,16*88% + 0,14*60% = 74,4%
in accordance with the study regulations, 74.4% corresponds to the grade satisfactory+ (3.5), which is the student's final grade for the modular exam
% points earned grade
92 ⩽… 100 very good (5)
88 ⩽ … <92 good + (4,5)
80 ⩽ … < 88 good (4)
71 ⩽ … <80 satisfactory + (3,5)
60 ⩽ … <71 satisfactory (3)
0… <60 unsatisfactory (2)
6. To be able to calculate the final grade, the student must obtain at least 60% of points from each partial exam. If the student does not obtain the required number of points in any of the subjects it results in failing the entire module.
7. In the case of failing a partial exam, the make-up exam covers only the uncredited part of the material from a given subject included in the module. The student receives an unsatisfactory grade (2.0) in the module exam on the first date.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
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