Prowadzony w
2021/22, 2022/23
Kod Erasmus: 12.1
Kod ISCED: 0912
Punkty ECTS:
Organizowany przez:
Katedra Radiologii i Diagnostyki Obrazowej
Wydział Lekarski)
1.3. Radiologia układu nerwowego 1655-LekM4CUNRAD-J
Jeszcze nie wprowadzono opisu dla tego przedmiotu...
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
(po angielsku) 1. The workload related to activities requiring the direct participation of
academic teachers is:
participation in lectures: 2 hours
participation in seminars: 4 hours
consultation: 1 hour
Workload related to demanding activities
the direct participation of academic teachers is
7 hours, corresponding to 0.26 ECTS
2. Student workload balance:
participation in lectures: 2 hours
participation in seminars: 4 hours
consultation: 1 hour
preparation for classes (including reading the indicated literature): 2 hours
preparation for the exam and credit: 2 hours
The total student workload is 11 hours, every
corresponds to 0.4 ECTS point.
3. The workload related to the scientific research carried out:
reading of the indicated scientific literature: 2 hours
participation in lectures (including research results and scientific studies in
the field of radiology of the nervous system): 2 hours
preparation to pass (including scientific studies in the field of radiology of
the nervous system): 2 hours
consultation taking into account scientific studies in the field of radiology of
the nervous system): 1 hour
The total student workload associated with the conducted
Scientific research is 7 hours, which corresponds
0.4 ECTS points
4. Time required to prepare and to participate in the assessment process:
preparation to pass: 5 hours
(0.18 ECTS points)
5. Balance of practical student workload:
participation in lectures: 2 hours
participation in seminars: 4 hours
preparation for passing 5 hours
The total student workload of a practical nature
is 11 hours, corresponding to 0.4 ECTS
6. Time required to complete the compulsory practice:
not applicable
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
(po angielsku) W1: Knows the physical basics of non-invasive methods
imaging (B.W8)
W2: He knows the structure of the human body in the approach
topographic and functional (in particular
nervous system) (A.W2)
W3: Has knowledge of today
imaging tests used, in
a) basic radiological symptomatology
nervous system diseases
b) instrumental methods and imaging techniques
used to perform therapeutic procedures,
c) indications, contraindications and preparation
patients for specific types of tests
imaging and contraindications to
the use of contrast agents (F.W10);
W4: Knows the basic neurological distinctions in radiological studies in
the most common diseases occurring in the elderly and the principles of
management in basic geriatric syndromes (E.W9);
W5: Understand the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication
when examining patients and the concept of trust in interaction with the
patient (E.W10),
W6: Knows and understands the risks associated with conducting
radiological examinations of elderly people (E.W11);
W7: Knows and understands the basic principles of the organization of
radiological tests in the group of older people (E.W12);
W8: Knows and is able to distinguish the basic irregularities of
neurological syndromes in radiological studies (E.W13);
W9: Knows and understands the principles of diagnosing the most
common diseases of the nervous system, including
a) headaches: migraine, tension headache and
headache syndrome and V nerve neuralgia,
b) brain vascular diseases, in particular
c) epilepsy,
d) nervous system infections, in particular
meningitis, Lyme disease,
herpes encephalitis, diseases
d) dementia, in particular Alzheimer's disease,
frontal dementia, vascular dementia and other dementia,
e) baseline testicular diseases, in particular disease
f) demyelinating diseases, in particular
multiple sclerosis,
g) diseases of the neuromuscular system, w
in particular atrophic lateral sclerosis and sciatica,
h) craniocerebral injuries, in particular
concussion (E.W14) :;
W10: Knows and understands the principles of diagnosing the most
central nervous system diseases in the field of:
a) edema of the brain and its consequences, with particular regard
emergency states,
b) other forms of intracranial narrowness of them
c) craniocerebral injuries,
d) vascular defects of the central system
e) central neoplastic tumors
f) diseases of the spine and spinal cord (F.W13);
W11: Knows the principles of conducting DSA angiography on suspicion
of brain death and the principles of its recognition (F.W15).
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
(po angielsku) U1: Associates radiological images with tissue and organ damage (C.U11);
U2: Is able to assess the general condition, the state of consciousness and
consciousness of a patient during radiological tests (E.U07);
U3: Is able to apply the principles of patient triage ordered radiological
tests (E.U14);
U4: Recognizes the state of consumption of alcohol, drugs and other drugs
U5: Is able to analyze the results of collected laboratory tests - in order to
qualify for radiological examinations in the field of radiology. (E.U28)
U6: Assists in carrying out the following procedures
and medical treatments:
a) ultrasound examination for pleural cavity drainage,
pericardial puncture, puncture of the cavity
peritoneal, fine needle biopsy,
and interprets their results (E.U30);
U7: Assesses the condition of an unconscious patient under examination
and determines in accordance with applicable international point scales
U8: Can recognize the symptoms of increasing intracranial pressure in
computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (F.U22);
U9: Able to assess the harmfulness of a dose of ionizing radiation and
applies to the principles of radiation protection (B.U2);
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
(po angielsku) K1: Is aware of their own limitations and skills for continuous
training (K.K1)
K2: Able to establish and maintain deep and respectful contact with
the sick (K.K3)
K3: Is guided by the good of the patient, putting them first (K.K4)
K4: Shows respect for the patient and understanding of worldviews
and cultural differences (K.K5)
K5: Observes medical confidentiality and all patient rights
(including the right to information, to privacy, to an informed
decision, to a dignified death (K.K6)
K6: Has a habit and skills of continuous training (K.K8) …
Metody dydaktyczne
(po angielsku) lectures:
informative lecture
conversation lecture
didactic discussion
case studies
didactic discussion
practical exercises
case studies
decision tree
independent operation of the apparatus
display methods: demonstration
Metody dydaktyczne eksponujące
- pokaz
- wystawa
- drama
- wystawa
- drama
Metody dydaktyczne podające
- wykład problemowy
- opis
- opowiadanie
- opis
- opowiadanie
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące
- ćwiczeniowa
- seminaryjna
- doświadczeń
- seminaryjna
- doświadczeń
Wymagania wstępne
(po angielsku) A student entering education in a subject should have knowledge of
physics in high school and human anatomy and physiology in the relevant
subjects taught during studies.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: