Praktyka wakacyjna
The aim of holiday work placement in the Surgical Department is to: become familiar with the organization of the Surgical Department (surgical block/operating theatre, dressing/surgical room), including record-keeping, rules of admission, referral to treatment in other departments (hospitals), temporary disability assessment, issuing other medical documentation (e.g., referral to outpatient treatment). To learn about the types of surgical instruments and apparatus used in Surgical Departments. To improve the skills of medical examination and planning of diagnostic procedure, especially in emergencies. To acquire the principles of management in fractures and burns. To become familiar with the principles of qualification for surgical treatment. To learn the principles of aseptic and antiseptics, including the technique of washing up for surgical procedures and preparation of the surgical field. Acquiring abilities of applying dressings on wounds, performing minor surgical procedures, e.g., inserting and removing sutures, inserting urinary catheters, learning the principles and methods of local anesthesia. The student should actively participate in the activities of the unit in which he/she undertakes the placement. He/she should develop teamwork skills and arrange workplaces in accordance with legal and ethical principles.
The aim of the training in pediatrics is: to complete knowledge on the organization of the Clinic / Department of Pediatrics and organizational connections between the Clinic / Department and open medical treatment, to get familiar with the principles of assessing the condition of the child and its psychophysical development, to get familiar with nursing of the infant, to get familiar with the principles of nutrition of a healthy and sick child, to improve the skills of physical examination of the child, to improve the skills of proper diagnosis and differentiation of basic disease entities with particular emphasis on acute cases. The student should actively participate in the activities of the unit, in which he/she implements the practice. He/she should develop skills of group work and organize workplaces in accordance with legal and ethical principles.
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
Attendance at didactic activities (contact hours, activity) - 120 (60- surgery, 60- pediatrics)
2) Students' individual work time (preparation for placement, studying the designated literature, preparation) - 20
The total student workload: 140
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
FF.W1. knows and understands the causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapeutic management in relation to the most common diseases requiring surgical intervention, including in particular:
1. the acute and chronic diseases of the abdominal cavity,
2. bone fractures and injuries of organs.
F.W3. is familiar with the rules of eligibility and implementation and the most common complications of main surgical procedures and invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
F.W5. knows postoperative treatment with analgesic therapy and postoperative monitoring.
E.W2. knows the principles of nutrition of healthy and sick children, immunization and conducting balance of child health
E.W3. knows and understands the causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapeutic management of the most common diseases of children
a. rickets, tetany, seizures,
b. heart defects, myocarditis, cardiac rhythm disorders, heart failure, hypertension, syncope,
c. acute and chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, congenital abnormalities of the respiratory system, tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, anaphylactic shock, angioedema,
d. acute and chronic abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, gastrointestinal bleeding, peptic ulcer disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, pancreatic diseases, cholestasis and liver diseases and other acquired diseases and congenital defects of the gastrointestinal tract,
E.W4. knows issues: abused child and sexual abuse, mental retardation, behavioral disorders: psychoses, addictions, eating and excretion disorders in children.
E.W6. knows the most common life-threatening conditions in children and rules of conduct in these states; E.W36.
E.W37. knows types of biological materials used in laboratory diagnostics and rules of collecting material for tests;
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
F.U1. as an attendant during a typical surgical procedure, prepares the operating field;
F.U2.can use basic surgical instruments;
F.U3. complies with the principles of aseptics and antisepsis;
F.U4. provides care for a simple wound, applies and changes sterile surgical dressings.
F.U5. applies a venipuncture;
F.U7. evaluates the result of radiological examination for the most common types of fractures, especially long bones fractures; F.U8;
F.U8. performs temporary immobilisation of the limb, selects the immobilisation type necessary for application in typical clinical situations and controls the correct blood supply to the limb after immobilisation dressing placement
F.U9. provides for external bleeding;
F.U12. monitors the postoperative period on the basis of basic vital signs;
E.U2. perform medical interview with a child and the family
E.U4. performs a physical examination of a child of all ages
E.U9. compares anthropometric and blood pressure measurements with data on percentile grids
E.U10. evaluates the stage of sexual maturation;
E.U11. performs balance examinations;
E.U12. conducts differential diagnosis of the most common diseases of adults and children;
E.U17. performs analysis of possible adverse effects of particular drugs and interactions between them;
E.U20. qualifies a patient for home and hospital treatment
E.U25. applies nutrition treatment (including enteral and parenteral nutrition)
E.U27. qualifies a patient for vaccinations
E.U28. takes material for tests used in laboratory diagnostics
E.U29. performs basic medical procedures and treatments, including:
(a) measurement of body temperature, measurement of heart rate, non-invasive measurement of blood pressure,
b) monitoring vital signs using a cardiomonitor, pulse oximetry,
(c) intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, cannulation of peripheral veins, collection of peripheral venous blood,
(d) nose, throat and skin swab sampling, pleural puncture,
e) simple strip tests and blood glucose measurement;
E.U30. assists in carrying out the following medical procedures and treatments:
(a) epidermal tests,
b) intradermal and scarification tests and interprets their results;
E.U38. manages the medical records of the patient
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
K01 - is aware of own limitations and has the ability of continuous education
K02 - can work under uncertainty and stress
K03 - can establish and maintain a deep and respectful relationship with the patient
K05 - prioritizes the well-being of the patient
K06 - demonstrates respect for the patient and understanding of worldview and cultural differences
K07 - respects medical confidentiality and all patients' rights (including the right to information, to intimacy, to an informed decision, to die with dignity)
K08 - can cooperate with other professions in healthcare
Metody dydaktyczne
Individual work and work under supervision of the practice supervisor, team work participation, participation in training related to the specificity of the medical activity of the practice
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące
- ćwiczeniowa
- panelowa
- studium przypadku
Metody dydaktyczne w kształceniu online
- metody wymiany i dyskusji
- metody oparte na współpracy
Wymagania wstępne
Successful completion of subjects in the 4th year of studies
Each participant in the internship is required to have a valid health booklet for sanitary and epidemiological purposes, hepatitis B vaccination and accident insurance for accident insurance.
Each student receives a personal student placement card containing the internship program; this card in combination with a valid student ID also serves as a referral.
On the abovementioned the card confirms completion of the internship.
The student's absence from work may be justified by formal sick leave. If you are ill for more than 1 week, you will need to extend your internship for an appropriate period.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
Assessment is based on the data included in the Work Placement log and confirmed by the signature of the work placement supervisor.
Indicated by the medical institution where the placement is held
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i
terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: