Praktyka wakacyjna
The goal of the internship is to enhance the knowledge of the organization of the Internal Medicine Department/Clinic and the organizational link between the Department/Clinic and open medicine, to improve the skills of physical and subject examination, to learn the principles of first aid, to deepen the ability to recognize and differentiate basic disease entities with particular emphasis on acute cases, to learn the proper interpretation of the results of laboratory, radiological
and pathomorphology, participation in medical visits. The student should contribute actively to the activities of the unit where he/she carries out the practice. The student should develop skills of teamwork and organizing workplaces in accordance with legal and ethical principles.
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
E.W1. is familiar with the environmental and epidemiological conditions of the most common diseases.
E.W7. has knowledge and understanding of the causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapeutic management of the most common internal diseases occurring in adults and their complications:
a) cardiovascular diseases, including ischemic heart disease, heart defects, endocardial diseases, heart muscle, pericardium, heart failure (acute and chronic), arterial and venous vascular diseases, hypertension: primary and secondary, pulmonary hypertension,
b) respiratory diseases, including respiratory diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, bronchial dilatation, cystic fibrosis, respiratory infections, interstitial lung diseases, pleurisy, mediastinum, obstructive and central sleep apnea, respiratory failure
(Acute and chronic), cancers of the respiratory system,
c)diseases of the digestive system, including diseases of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and duodenum, intestines, pancreas, liver, bile ducts and gallbladder,
d)allergic diseases, including anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock, and angioedema,
e) water-electrolyte and acid-base disorders: dehydration states, conductive states, electrolyte disorders, acidosis, and alkalosis.
E.W9 - understands the causes and knows the basic peculiarities in the most common diseases occurring in the elderly and the principles of management of basic geriatric syndromes.
E.W10. knows and understands the basic principles of pharmacotherapy of diseases of the elderly.
E.W11. knows and understands the risks associated with hospitalization of elderly people.
E.W12. knows and understands the basic principles of organization of care for the elderly and the burden of the caregiver of the elderly
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
E. E.U1. conducts a medical interview with an adult patient.
E.U2. conducts a medical interview with a child and his/her family.
E.U3. performs a complete and focused physical examination of an adult patient.
E.U14. recognizes immediate life-threatening conditions.
E.U28. collects specimens for tests used in laboratory diagnosis
E.U29. performs basic medical procedures and treatments, including:
(a)measurement of body temperature, measurement of heart rate, non-invasive measurement of blood pressure,
b) monitoring vital signs with a cardiac monitor, pulse oximetry,
c)intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous injections, cannulation of peripheral veins, collection of peripheral venous blood,
d)collection of nasal, throat and skin swabs, pleural puncture,
e) bladder catheterization in men and women, gastric tube, gastric lavage, enema,
f) standard resting electrocardiogram with interpretation, electrical cardioversion, and cardiac defibrillation,
g) simple strip tests and blood glucose measurement.
E.U30. assists in performing the following medical procedures and treatments:
(a)transfusion of blood and blood products,
(b)drainage of the pleural cavity,
c)puncture of the peritoneal cavity,
E.U32. plans specialist consultations.
E.U33. implements basic therapeutic management of acute poisoning.
E.U38. maintains the patient's medical records
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
K01 - he is aware of his own limitations and can constantly improve himself
K02 - can act under conditions of uncertainty and sometimes stress
K03 - can establish and maintain a deep and respectful contact with the patient
K05 - puts the patient's welfare first
K06 - shows respect for the patient and understanding of worldview, and cultural differences
K07 - respects medical confidentiality and all patient rights (including the right to information, to intimacy, to an informed decision, to a dignified death)
K08 - can cooperate with representatives of other professions in the health care
Metody dydaktyczne
individual working and working under the supervision of the practice supervisor, participation in teamwork, participation in training related to the specifics of the treatment activities of a particular practice
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące
- obserwacji
- ćwiczeniowa
Wymagania wstępne
Credit for subjects of the 3rd year of study .
Each participant in the internship is required to have a valid health booklet for sanitary and epidemiological purposes, hepatitis B vaccination and accident insurance for accident insurance.
Each student receives a personal student placement card containing the internship program; this card in combination with a valid student ID also serves as a referral.
On the abovementioned the card confirms completion of the internship.
The student's absence from work may be justified by formal sick leave. If you are ill for more than 1 week, you will need to extend your internship for an appropriate period.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
Credit is given based on the data contained in the practice booklet and confirmed by the signature of the practice supervisor.
Designated by the medical institution where the Holiday Work placement is held
W cyklu 2022/23:
Designated by the medical institution where the Holiday Work placement is held
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i
terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: