Prowadzony w
Punkty ECTS:
Organizowany przez:
Wydział Sztuk Pięknych
Basic tools in design and illustration 14-OG-EN-DI-Z
Jeszcze nie wprowadzono opisu dla tego przedmiotu...
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
Contact hours:
30 hrs. classes with the lecturer 1 pt. ECTS
Student's own work:
30 hrs. student's own work 1 pt. ECTS:
10 hrs - analysis of the topic, selection of visual means, realization of sketches for projects, and preparation for classes,
10 hrs - transfer and realization of accepted projects in graphic programs and preparation for classes,
10 hrs - preparation of projects for printing, preparing for the credit - 0.5 pts. ECTS
Total - 60 hrs 2 pt. ECTS
30 h - contact hours, consultations,
30 h - individual student's work, preparation for classes and credits
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
W1: Student has a structured knowledge of art history and knows the socio-cultural contexts also related to the fields of contem-porary life (K_W01)
W2: Student knows and understands current trends in visual arts and graphic design (K_W02)
W3: Student has a structured knowledge of the visual layer and the influence of social, cultural and personality conditions on its final form and interpretation (K_W05)
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
U1: Student is able to create and realize his/her own artistic con-cepts in the creation of broadly understood drawing and graphic design, and use these skills for their implementation (K_U01)
U2: Student is able to realize his/her own artistic concepts, se-lecting appropriate exploratory methods and, at a further stage of work, selected design tools (K_U02)
U3: Student is able to create graphic and drawing projects, selec-ting stylistically diverse concepts for their implementation, using imagination and visual sensitivity (K_U04)
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
K2: Student is able to create his/her own design image by skill-fully combining various means and media in artistic expression (K_K03)
K3: Student takes a responsible approach to public appearances related to presentations of design works and methods of sear-ching for final artistic design solutions (K_K08)
Wymagania wstępne
Basic artistic and creative talents aimed at applying skills in design work. Awareness of visual imagery in communication.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: