Introduction to Polish Law 1300-IPL-KPP
I. Constitutional law and Polish legal system (8 hrs)
1. Historical Polish constitutions
2. The new Constitution of the Republic of Poland 1997
a) structure of the Constitution
b) sovereignty
c) republican mode of government
d) unitary state
e) subsidiarity
f) direct democracy and representativenessv
g) political pluralism
3. Constitutional system of sources of law
a) constitution
b) statutes
c) ratified international agreements
d) regulations
e) acts of local law
f) referendum and local referendum
4. Legal professions in Poland
I. Introduction to Polish civil law (8 hrs)
2. Law of persons and legal acts
a) natural and legal persons
b) personal interests protection
c) Form of legal acts
d) Defects of legal acts
e) contract formation under PCC
f) Limitation of claims
g) representation
3. Property law
a) Ownership and co-ownership
c) acquisition and protection of ownership
d) perpetual usufruct
e) limited proprietary rights
4. Law of Obligations
a) Sources, creditor and debtor
b) Joint and several laibility
c) freedom of contracts
d) law of damages (damage, casual link, contractual liability regime, tort liability regime, compensation)
III. Criminal Law (4 hrs)
1. rules of criminal responsibility
2. penalties
3. most important institutions of criminal law
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
Metody dydaktyczne
Metody dydaktyczne eksponujące
Metody dydaktyczne podające
- wykład konwersatoryjny
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące
- stolików eksperckich
Wymagania wstępne
Kryteria oceniania
Students will be graded on basis of their results at the compulsory test (single choice test, i.e. with one correct answer) provided at the last class of the course. Scale of grading: 50% - pass (3), 60% (3+), 70% (4-), 80% (4+), 90% (5-), 100% (5); Additionaly, their grade may be elevated in cases of their activity during classes (solving tasks, taking part in discussion).
exam in a form of a test - W1, W2, W3, U1
solving tasks at the class - W1, W2, W3, U1, U2, K1, K2
activity at the class - U2, K1, K2
Praktyki zawodowe
does not concern
Basic: Handbook of Polish Law, praca zbiorowa, red. Wojciech Dajczak, Andrzej J. Szwarc, Paweł Wiliński ParkPrawo 2011;
Additional: A Synthesis of Polish Law, red. Guz, Tadeusz / Gluchowski, Jan / Palubska, Maria R., cz. 1 i 2 2009 r.;
Introduction to Polish law red. Anna Wyrozumska, Łodź 2005
Więcej informacji
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