Prowadzony w
Kod Erasmus: 13.3
Kod ISCED: 0531
Punkty ECTS:
brak danych
Organizowany przez:
Wydział Chemii
Environmental chemistry and ecology 0600-S1-EN-SP/W-ChS
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Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
(po angielsku) Contact hours with teacher - 195 contact hrs:
- participation in lectures - 45 hrs
- tutorials – 15 hrs
- laboratory – 135 hr
Self-study hours:
- preparation for lectures – 15 hrs
- preparation for tutorials - 10 hrs
- writing laboratory reports – 90 hrs
- preparation for the assessment - 30 hrs
Altogether: 340 hrs
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
(po angielsku) W1: Knows basic knowledge about the Earth, its origins and development of environmental protection, can name and describe the elements of the natural environment and its ecosystems: the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere – X1A_W01
W2: Knows structure and principles of basic techniques and instruments in methods applied in environmental protection and control – X1A_W05
W3: Knows the laws in the field of the environment – X1A_W07
W4: Knows the principles to work with exhaust and dangerous gases – X1A_W01,
W5: Knows the properties and practical using of carbon materials in atmosphere protection – X1A_W01
W6: Knows definitione and range of the environmental monitoring X1A _W12
W7: Knows the parameters of quality of water, soils and air – X1A _W12
W8: Knows the methods of sampling, sample preparation and final analysis of the environmental samples – X1A _W12
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
(po angielsku) U1: Can identify problems and solve it – X1A_U01
U2: Can perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of air, water, soil, knows the principles of GLP, GMP, ISO - X1A_U02
U3: Can plan an experiment, observe and infer results - X1A_U03
U4: Can learn alone - X1A_U07
U5: Can associate the simple technical scheme with technological process and installation, especially in atmosphere protection – X1A_U01
U6: can properly use the basic laboratory equipment- X1A _U02
U7: can elaborate, prepare and present a multimedia presentation focused on the chosen problem of environmental analysis – X1A _U09
U8: can argue and defend his/her position and theses – X1A _U06
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
(po angielsku) K1: Can work independently and effectively with a large amount of information – X1A_K01,
K2: Thinks creatively about improving existing or developing new approaches – X1A _K02,
K3: Is geared towards the constant acquisition of new knowledge, skills and experience; sees the need for continuous improvement and enhancing professional expertise; is aware of the limitations of his/her own knowledge and understands the need for ongoing education – X1A _K05.
Metody dydaktyczne
(po angielsku) Lecture:
Conventional lecture with discussion, multimedia presentation.
Multimedia presentations prepared by students based on their own literature study and consultation with teacher. Discussion.
Laboratory work on experimental installation by 2-3 person teams
Wymagania wstępne
(po angielsku) Required knowledge of chemistry on completion of secondary education. Analytical chemistry course.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Więcej informacji
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