Prowadzony w
Kod Erasmus: 13.3
Kod ISCED: 0531
Punkty ECTS:
Organizowany przez:
Wydział Chemii
Fundamentals of quantum chemistry 0600-S1-EN-FQCh
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Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
(po angielsku) Contact hours with teacher:
• participation in lectures 20 hrs
• classes 20 hrs
- laboratory 10 hrs
- consultation 15 hrs
Self-study hours:
• preparation for lectures – 5 hrs
• preparation for classes – 20 hrs
- preparation for lab work and data analysis – 5 hrs
- preparation for the examination - 20 hrs
Altogether: 115hrs (4 ECTS)
Altogether: 115hrs (4 ECTS
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
(po angielsku)
W1: The student knows and understands the basics of quantum chemistry;, the postulates of quantum mechanics and their application to the description of atoms and molecules, and the theoretical basis of various atomic and molecular spectroscopies.
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
(po angielsku) U1: The student understands the importance of quantization in physics and chemistry.
U2: The student can build and solve simple quantum-chemical models.
U3: The student is able to independently use the Maxima mathematical package to solve quantum-chemical problems and models.
K_U03, K_U04
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
(po angielsku) K1: The student independently and effectively works with a large amount of information, understands the relationships between phenomena, and draws correct conclusions using the principles of logic.
K2: The student thinks creatively to improve existing solutions or create new ones, focuses on the continuous acquisition of knowledge, skills and recognizes the need for ongoing personal and professional development.
K3: The student is aware of the limitations of their own knowledge and understands the need for further education. They work systematically and maintain a positive attitude when facing the difficulties in achieving their goals, and they meet deadlines;
K4: The student understands the need to work systematically on any projects and recognizes the importance of computer science and computational quantum chemistry in chemical sciences and practice.
K5:he student independently implements the agreed goals, makes independent and sometimes difficult decisions, and can search for information in the professional literature without assistance.
K_K01, K_K02, K_K03, K_K05, K_K06, K_K07
Metody dydaktyczne
(po angielsku) Expository teaching methods:
Lecture: A conventional lecture using multimedia
Classes and Laboratory: The meetings will be divided into two parts. The first part, a traditional approach will focus on understanding basic quantum chemical definitions and models. In the the second part, students will learn the basics of the Maxima package and use the program to solve the problems discussed during the lectures and classes.
Metody dydaktyczne w kształceniu online
- metody oparte na współpracy
Wymagania wstępne
(po angielsku) Prerequisites: Elementary mathematics.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: