Prowadzony w
2022/23Z, 2023/24L, 2024/25L
Kod ISCED: 0531
Punkty ECTS:
brak danych
Organizowany przez:
Wydział Chemii
Environmental chemistry and ecology 0600-S1-EN-CSRE
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Całkowity nakład pracy studenta
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza
(po angielsku) W1: Knows basic knowledge about the Earth, its origins and development of environmental protection-K_W12
W2: Can name and describe the elements of the natural environment and its ecosystems: the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere - K_W12
W3: Knows the laws in the field of the environment - K_W12
W4: Knows techniques for sampling, preparation and final analysis of environmental samples - K-W12.
W5: Knows the theoretical basis of the analytical methods – K_W12
W6: Expands knowledge (through self-study) of the issues relating to environmental chemistry and on the impact of various pollutants on the human body and the environment - K_W12.
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
(po angielsku) U1: Knows, understands and describes the pollution relating to every area of the ecosystem and the threats - K_U12
U2: Knows the principles of GLP, GMP, ISO - K_U12
U3: Can identify and describe the human impact on the natural environment, so-called. socio-economic changes in the environment - K_U12
U4: Is able to apply the techniques for the collection, preparation and final analysis of environmental samples in correct way - K_U12.
U5: Properly uses a small laboratory equipment - K_U12.
U6: Performs independent measurements; self prepare the preparations for analysis, can propose analytical procedures or conduct methods - K_U12.
U7: Analyzes, interprets and calculates the results obtained in the laboratory tests - K_U12.
U8: Draw up, prepares and presents a multimedia presentation on a selected topic concerning pollution and environmental protection – K_U12
U9: Argues and defend the thesis – K_U12
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne
(po angielsku) K1: Improves analytical thinking - works with a large amount of information, sees the relationship between the properties of environmental matrices and analytes and the choice of an appropriate method for the determination - K_K01.
K2: Is focused on acquiring new knowledge - K_K05
K3: Knows how to define priorities necessary to carry out the actions to solve the task - K_K02.
K4 is focused to the best execution of tasks - K_K03.
K5: Can self perform the required tasks and if the problems arise is able to use the available literature - K_K07
K6: Communicate to other students in a meaningful way selected environmental issues – K_K04.
K7: Is focused on acquiring and presenting new solutions aimed at protecting the environment – K_K04, K_K07.
Metody dydaktyczne
(po angielsku) Lecture:
Conventional lecture using multimedia presentations.
Multimedia presentations of students, discussion, consultation
Student performs self exercises in the laboratory according to the available instructions, suggestions and guidance teacher. Consultation and discussion on the desirability of their operations
Wymagania wstępne
(po angielsku) Obligatory course related to chemistry studies
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Więcej informacji
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