Chemistry for Humanists 0600-OG-EN-ChH
History of Chemistry (12 hours):
Position of Chemistry of the Natural Sciences. Early days of Alchemy and Chemistry. Alchemy as the first quasi-scientific knowledge on the material world. Great alchemists and their patrons. The early discoveries of first elements and chemical compounds. Chemistry in the Bible. Chemical element, atom, compound. Atomic structure and chemical properties of the elements. The most important laws of chemistry - the story of their discovery. The basic chemical reactions. Energy in chemistry. Nobel Prize winners - the great chemists.
Chemistry around us (14 hours):
Models of atomic structure - a modern view of the electronic structure of the elements. The periodic table of elements - linking the electron structure of atoms. The atomic nucleus. Nuclear weapons. Nuclear energy - benefits, prospects and threats. The basic states of matter: gases, liquids, solids. What is the chemical industry ?. What and how to produce the chemical industry fabricates ?. Some chemical aspects of the functioning of living organisms. The most important chemical resources and chemical products – linking to the great politics. Recycling of materials. Sustainable development - the role of Chemistry. Green Chemistry. Renewable energy sources. How Chemistry helps to solve the problems of energy and food shortage (side effects). The dark side of Chemistry - chemical warfare, chemical terrorism, chemical disasters, explosives, drugs. Man’s organism as a chemical analyzer. The mechanism smelling And tasting. What to do in a chemical emergency.
Chemistry in demonstrations (4 hours):
What is the smoke, fire, and explosion. Surface tension of water. Colors in Chemistry.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Learning outcomes - konowledge
Effects within the scope of knowledge:
W1 - Guide and consolidate the knowledge base of chemical in high school: knowledge.
W2 - Proficiency in basic chemical laws and concepts of chemistry to the extent that the general lecture.
W3 - Increased knowledge about modern chemical development directions applied chemistry and its relationship with politics, the environment, the economy and the daily life of man and the environment.
Learning outcomes - skills Effects within the scope of skills:
After the completion the lecture, a student should:
U1- Explain the properties of chemical elements in relation to their electronic structure.
U2- Explain the mechanism of simple chemical compounds formation on the basis of the electronic structure of elements and thermodynamic conditions.
U3- Demonstrate a broad knowledge of the properties of substances in the fundamental states of matter: the state of the gas, liquid and solid.
U4-Demonstrate the ability to correlate theoretical aspects of Chemistry presented in the lecture with some aspects and phenomena in everyday life and industry.
Learning outcomes – social competencies
Within the scope of social competence:
After the completion the lecture, a student should:
K1-Develop a positive image of Chemistry as the driving force in economic development.
K2-Be aware of the need to care for the environment and the threats posed to the environment by human activity.
Kryteria oceniania
Test written exam consisting of single-choice questions offering 5 eventualities. The correct answer - 5 points. At least 15 questions in the test. Passing the exam after reaching at least 50% of the points available. Very good mark for more than 90% of the points. Other evaluations in proportion to the 50-90% range.
Praktyki zawodowe
Not foreseen
These is not yet a single book in Polish (as in English) which covers the whole lecture content. Proceedings of the lecture are the basis for the preparation of a student for the exam. Elements of the content of the lecture are to find in the following books:
A. Bielański, Podstawy chemii nieorganicznej (PWN)
L. Jones, P. T. Atkins, Chemia ogólna (PWN)
G. Patrick. Chemia organiczna. Krótkie wykłady (PWN)
D. L. Heiserman, Księga pierwiastków chemicznych (PWN)
J. Fisher, J. R. P. Arnold, Chemia dla biologów (PWN)
P. A. Cox, Chemia nieorganiczna. Krótkie wykłady (PWN)
Więcej informacji
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