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Study programmes > Long-cycle studies > Pharmacy > Pharmacy (full-time, long cycle magister-level education) - studies in English (NQF)

Pharmacy (full-time, long cycle magister-level education) - studies in English (NQF) (17550150-KRK)

(in Polish: Farmacja (sj) - studia anglojęzyczne (KRK))
long cycle magister-level education
full-time, 5.5-year studies (11 semesters)
Language: English

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Magisterium z farmacji

Access to further studies:

post-graduate studies, education at the doctoral school

Professional status:

After graduating in Pharmacy, the graduate is granted the professional title of Master of Pharmacy. The diploma confirms qualifications compliant with the study programme standards for pharmacists, who are the European Union citizens, that were established by Directive 2005/36/EC. These qualifications are the grounds for applying to the District Pharmaceutical Chamber for the licence to practice the profession of a pharmacist, which allows the graduates to work in the profession.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.umk.pl/pl