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Study programmes > First-cycle studies > Art History > Art History (full-time, 1st cycle education) (NQF)

Art History (full-time, 1st cycle education) (NQF) (14510222-KRK)

(in Polish: Historia sztuki (s1) (KRK))
first cycle education
full-time, 3-year studies (6 semesters)
Language: Polish

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Licencjat z historii sztuki

Access to further studies:

second cycle education, postgraduate education

Teaching standards

Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 12th July 2007 on the standards of education for individual fields of study and levels of education, and also the terms and conditions to be fulfilled by the university in order to offer interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies (Dz. U. 2007 no. 164 item 1166, with subsequent amendments).

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes have been defined by the NCU Senate in accordance with article 28 section 5 of the law of 20 July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science and are available at: www.umk.pl/absolwenci/efekty.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.umk.pl/pl