A World in Flames. Military Conflicts of the 21st Century and their Political Consequences 2751-OG-SPKM
War as a political phenomenon in the 20th and 21st centuries. Definition of war and armed conflict.
2. the law of armed conflict.
3. The collapse of the communist system and its political consequences.
4. Determinants and specificities of wars of the 21st century.
5. Faces of wars of the 21st century.
- Conventional wars.
- Hybrid conflicts.
- Information wars - essence and forms.
6. Technological and economic aspects of military conflicts of the 21st century.
7. Major military conflicts in the 21st century.
- Dimensions and areas of the war on terrorism - genesis, course and consequences.
- Military conflicts in the Balkans and their political implications.
- Military conflicts in the post-Soviet area.
- Armed conflicts in the Middle and Near East - origins, course and consequences.
- Military conflicts in 21st century Africa.
- Asia as an area of military conflicts in the 21st century.
8. Russian-Ukrainian war 2014 - 2023 - sources, stages and course, political, economic and social consequences.
9. Armed conflicts in the politics of world and regional powers.
10. Armed conflicts of the 21st century and changes in security policy.
11. the North Atlantic Alliance and its role in the 21st century.
12. Characteristics of contemporary military conflicts - a summary attempt.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- problem-based lecture
- description
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
- written assignment
- activity
Assessment criteria:
Credit on the basis of written work (paper)
F - 0 - 9 points (0 - 45%)
Dst - 10 - 12 pts (50 - 60%)
D plus 13 - 14 pts (65 - 70%)
db - 15 - 16 pts (75 - 80%)
db plus 17 - 18 pts (85 - 90%)
B-G - 19 - 20 pts (95 - 100%)
Practical placement
- Antczak-Barzan A., Śliwa Z., Zaniewski R., Wojna XXI wieku. The beginnings of war ``third wave'', Warsaw 2016.
- Bezpieczeństwo Europy, bezpieczeństwo Polski, vol. 5: Metamorphoses of Security. Teraźniejszość i przeszłość, eds E. Maj, W. Sokół, A. Szwed-Walczak, Ł. Jędrzejski, Lublin 2017.
- International Security in the 21st Century, ed. E. Cziomer, Kraków 2010.
- Chwalba A., Historia powszechna 1989 - 2011, Warsaw 2011.
- Jarecka Urszula, Visual Propaganda of the Just War. Media wizualne XX wieku wobec konfliktów zbrojnych, Warsaw 2008.
- Judt T., Powojnie. A History of Europe since 1945, Poznań 2013.
- Kiwerska J., The World in 1989-2004, Poznań 2005.
- Kopeć R., Mazur P., Military deterrence in the 21st century. Poland - NATO - Russia, Krakow 2017.
- Malendowski W., Doktryna wojenna Federacji Rosyjskiej w XX I XXI wieku. Objectives - action - directions of action, Strategic Yearbook 2017, pp. 55-94.
- Ostaszewski P., International political relations. Zarys wykładów, Warsaw 2010.
- Proninska K., Balcerowicz B., Armed conflicts, "Strategic Yearbook" 2013/2014, pp. 138-159.
- Reginia-Zacharski J., War in the modern world. Participants, goals, models, theories, Łódź 2014.
- The Role of the Media in Contemporary Armed Conflicts and Terrorist Acts, ed. T. Bak, Rzeszów - Szczecin - London 2020.
- Żebrowski A., Konflikty zbrojne XXI wieku - próba prognozy, "Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Polityka" 2008, no. 1-2.
Additional information
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