Global Challenges in European Perspective 2751-KONJA-GCEP
Aim of this course is to present main global concerns. Participants will be given some basic data in regard to challenges that await the humanity. Their task is to discuss possible paths and strategies towards that issues.
Participants should take part in free discussion moderated by the teacher as well as in small group tasks, which will be given during the class.
The course ends with a short presentation on one of previously discussed topics, that is supposed to show personal standpoint of the speaker.
1/ Introduction to the course
2/ Climate change, clean water, sustainable development
3/ World population and resources
4/ Human rights and democratization
5/ Safe internet
6/ Health - biotechnology and bioethics
7/ Migrations
8/ Modern education
9/ War and displacement
10/ Racism
11/ The future
12/ The rich and the poor gap
13/ Atomization in modern cities
14/ Final presentations pt. 1
15/ Final presentations pt. 2
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Observation/demonstration teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- participatory lecture
- description
Exploratory teaching methods
- brainstorming
- panel
Online teaching methods
- methods referring to authentic or fictitious situations
- games and simulations
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Points are given for:
- participation in discussions, games, etc.
- final speech
Points are taken for:
- not passing small vocabulary test (if made)
Points and grades:
0-7 p.: 2
8 p.:3
9 p.:3+
10 p.: 4
11 p.: 4+
12-14 p.: 5
2/ N. Oreskes, The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change, Science Vol. 306, Issue 5702 2004, pp. 1686,
3/ D. Domick, As World’s Population Booms, Will Its Resources Be Enough for Us?,, 21.10.2014,
4/ EU Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2018, European Union 2018, p. 19-40,
5/ J. Byrne, P. Burton, Children as Internet users: how can evidence better inform policy debate?, Journal of Cyber Policy, Vol. 2, 2017,
6/ H. Ahmad et. al., Ethical Issues of Biotechnology, Possible Risks and Their Management, Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, Vol.5, No.11, 2015,
7/ K. Kushminder, At Europe’s frontline: factors determining migrants decision making for onwards migration from Greece and Turkey, Migration and Development,
8/ F. Fatkullina, E. Morozkina, A. Suleimanova, Modern Higher Education: Problems and Perspectives, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 214, 5 December 2015, Pages 571-577,
9/ L. Lombard, E. Picco, Distributive Justice at War: Displacementand Its Afterlives in the Central AfricanRepublic, Journal of Refugee Studies,
10/ R. Grosfoguel, What is Racism?, Journal of World Systems Research,
11/ K. Sotala, Disjunctive Scenarios of Catastrophic AI Risk, Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security,
12/ B. Keeley, The Gap Between Rich And Poor,
13/ R. ROnald, Atomizing the Urban: Social Change, Single Households and Spatial Transformations in Tokyo,
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: