Conducted in
2021/22Z, 2022/23Z, 2023/24Z
ISCED code: 1030
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies
Cybersecurity: Prevention and Regulation 2751-BW-KONJA-15-CPR
This course has not yet been described...
Total student workload
(in Polish) 70 hours:
- 15 hours - contact hours;
- 15 hours - individual work of the student in order to prepare for classes: searching for necessary information and materials, reading the indicated documents;
- 40 hours - preparing for the exam.
Learning outcomes - knowledge
(in Polish) Knowledge
Good knowledge of how the European Union (EU) regulates cybersecurity.
Knowledge of emerging cybersecurity laws.
Knowledge of relevant cybercrime norms.
Learning outcomes - skills
(in Polish) Skills
Ability to connect technical security issues to regulatory issues discussed in the course.
Ability to participate in policy debates about emerging cybersecurity issues and their regulation at domestic, European and international level.
Observation/demonstration teaching methods
- display
- staging
- staging
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
- discussion
- narration
- discussion
- narration
Exploratory teaching methods
- round table
- practical
- presentation of a paper
- brainstorming
- laboratory
- practical
- presentation of a paper
- brainstorming
- laboratory
Online teaching methods
- integrative methods
- games and simulations
- games and simulations
Course coordinators
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: