Conducted in
ISCED code: 0228
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies
Philosophical Aspects of Security 2751-BN-S1-1-FAB
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Total student workload
(in Polish) 60 godzin, w tym:
- 30 godzin – aktywne uczestnictwo w zajęciach, w tym udział w końcowym kolokwium z przedmiotu (1 ECTS)
- 30 godzin – indywidualna lektura materiałów źródłowych oraz inne formy przygotowania do zajęć (1 ECTS)
Expository teaching methods
- participatory lecture
- informative (conventional) lecture
- discussion
- problem-based lecture
- narration
- informative (conventional) lecture
- discussion
- problem-based lecture
- narration
Exploratory teaching methods
- brainstorming
- Oxford
- case study
- classic problem-solving
- expert panels
- round table
- practical
- Oxford
- case study
- classic problem-solving
- expert panels
- round table
- practical
Online teaching methods
- methods developing reflexive thinking
- exchange and discussion methods
- content-presentation-oriented methods
- exchange and discussion methods
- content-presentation-oriented methods
Type of course
compulsory course
(in Polish) Przedmiot dostępny dla wszystkich studentów.
Course coordinators
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: