Conducted in
2023/24Z, 2024/25Z
ISCED code: 0520
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences
(in Polish) Socioeconomic aspects of global change 2600-SAG-GC-2-S2
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Total student workload
(in Polish) Contact hours with teacher (31 hrs):
- participation in lectures - 15 hrs
- participation in conversations – 15 hrs
- consultations - 1 hrs
Self-study hours (44 hrs):
- preparation for conversations: reading lectures, watching video materials, making notes, preparing small tasks assigned by a teacher
Altogether: 75 hrs (3 ECTS)
Learning outcomes - knowledge
(in Polish) W1: discuss possible ways of ensuring sustainable futures in the face of global environmental change (K_W16)
W2: introduce concepts and terms used in socio-economic analysis of environmental issues as well as methods of data collection, analysis and use of information (K_W15)
Students should be able to:
W3: students understand the interactions between human and ecological systems; (K_W04)
W4: students appreciate the dilemmas in choosing between economic development and the environment;( K_W02, K_W04, K_W05)
W5: students know professional foreign language literature in the field of selected specialization (K_W16)
W6: students know the rules of ethics; (K_W14)
Learning outcomes - skills
(in Polish) Students should be able to:
U1: better understand the array of socio-cultural, economic and political factors that shape resource use; (K_U14, K_U15)
U2: conduct original, independent scientific research of professional quality in their specialization area; (K_U17)
U3: use source information in English, carry out analyzes, syntheses, summaries, critical assessments and correct conclusions; (K_U09)
U4: recognize the health and environmental hazards and put the correct hypotheses about their causes; (K_U05, K_U07)
U5: demonstrate the information literacy skills of collecting, analysing and reporting data; (K_U09)
Learning outcomes - social competencies
(in Polish) K1: Students demonstrate the desire to deepen knowledge in the field of socio-economic sciences; (K_K01)
K2: Students show caution and criticism in receiving information from the scientific literature, the Internet, and especially accessible in mass media, referring to social issues; (K_K03)
K3: Students can cooperate with a good communication and work with other students; (K_K11)
K4: Students are willing to work in a team as a member; (K_K11)
K5: Students show criticism in relation to the results of his work; (K_K06)
Teaching methods
(in Polish) The class is carried out in the form of lectures and conversations. They will be conducted alternately. Additional teaching material will be sent to the students via USOS or is already available in the Internet (movies, Tedx lectures, manifestos). Contact with the lecturer will be possible via consultations or e-mail.
Small assignments (which may involve reading, listening to or viewing relevant sources before class, and preparing written summaries) will be set on a weekly basis. It is important that students should complete pre-class assignments, as this will be essential to effective participation in the relevant discussions.
What is crucial, students are required to attend and participate actively in the classes. Unexplained poor attendance and failure to participate actively in classes will affect the overall grade on the course. It is not possible to get a grade without a systematic participation. Fluency in English is a prerequisite for obtaining a passing grade.
Observation/demonstration teaching methods
- display
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
- problem-based lecture
- problem-based lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- brainstorming
- classic problem-solving
- seminar
- classic problem-solving
- seminar
Online teaching methods
- content-presentation-oriented methods
- exchange and discussion methods
- exchange and discussion methods
Type of course
compulsory course
(in Polish) Knowledge of issues related to the climate change, IPCC reports and the basics of economics.
Fluency in English is a prerequisite for obtaining a passing grade.
Course coordinators
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: