Conducted in
ISCED code: 0510
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences
(in Polish) Basics of medical geomatics 2600-AC-BMG-M5
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Total student workload
(in Polish) Contact hours with teacher:
- participation in lectures - 15 hrs
- consultations- 3 hrs
- writing test- 2 hrs
Self-study hours:
- preparation for test- 20 hrs
Altogether: 40 hrs (1 ECTS)
Learning outcomes - knowledge
(in Polish) W1: Student knows basics of the medical geography, public health and epidemiology (K_W01) .
W2: Student knows basics of the modern cartography, geomatics, geoinformation and geographic information systems (GIS) (K_W02).
Learning outcomes - skills
(in Polish) U1: Student is able to use the knowledge to choose the appropriate spatial analysis in medical geography (K_U03).
U2: Student is able to describe the current health condition of the population of Poland and the World (K_U01).
U3: Student is able to describe principles of data analysis in the field of medical geography (K_U02).
Learning outcomes - social competencies
(in Polish) K1: Student understands social, cultural and historical determinants of health inequalities and health disparities in Poland and in the World (K_K03).
Teaching methods
(in Polish) Expository teaching methods:
- informative (conventional) lecture;
- narration;
- problem-based lecture.
(in Polish) none
Course coordinators
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: