British culture 2510-f1ENG1W-BC-L
- (term 2021/22Z)
- (term 2022/23Z)
- (term 2023/24Z)
The lecture offers an overview of British history from the Middle Ages to the present, and focuses on key historical events and processes that have determined the present political and social system in Britain. The issues discussed during the lecture include the historical beginnings of Britain, the development of British political system, major internal and external conflicts, and a number of social and political problems in modern Britain.
Content distribution:
- foundations of the political system and the structure of government;
- key pre-19th-century conflicts and cultural changes;
- the British Empire and its legacy;
- Victorian England;
- the Two World Wars;
- post-war Britain;
- Britain at the beginning of the 21st century.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- participatory lecture
- problem-based lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
Online teaching methods
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
-Assessment methods:
- written examination - W1, W2, W3
- activity – W1, U1, U2, K1
Assessment criteria:
- written examination (70%)
- participation in discussions during the lecture and on Moodle (30%)
fail – 0-59 %
satisfactory – 60-69 %
satisfactory plus – 70-75 %
good – 76-85 %
good plus – 86-90 %
very good – 91-100 %
Practical placement
Not applicable
Term 2024/25Z: