(in Polish) Food Science and Nutrition
TLectures are designed to familiarise students with the history of nutrition and the current state of knowledge in this area. During the course, nutritional standards and principles of proper nutrition and supplementation for healthy people and in various disease states will be presented and discussed. In addition, the latest scientific reports on the benefits of ketogenic and Mediterranean diets will be the subject of discussion. The results of studies on food products whose consumption is considered controversial, such as eggs, chocolate, coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc., will be presented and, based on them, the benefits and risks associated with the consumption of such products will be presented.
Finally, there will be a discussion of the interactions between different food components and their effects on human health.
Total student workload
Contact hours with teacher:
- participation in lectures: 20 hrs
- consultations with an academic teacher: 2,5 hrs
- completion of the test: 1,5 hrs.
The workload related to the activities requiring the direct participation of academic teachers is 25 hrs, which corresponds to 1.0 ECTS points.
Self-study hours:
- preparation for lectures: 5 hrs
- reading literature: 10 hrs
- preparation for test: 10 hrs
The total workload related to the self-study hours is 25 hrs, which corresponds to 1.0 ECTS point.
Altogether: 50 hrs (2.0 ECTS)
Learning outcomes - knowledge
W1: knows the basic nutrients, system expenditure, its meaning, physiological availability and metabolism and nutrition sources. K_D.W30. (pharmacy)
W2: knows methods used in the assessment of nutritional value of food. K_D.W31. (pharmacy)
W3: knows the problems of substances added do food, food contamination and inappropriate quality of goods intended for contact with food. K_D.W32. (pharmacy)
W4: is familiar with the problems of enriched foods, dietary supplements and special purpose foods. K_D.W33. (pharmacy)
W5: knows the methods used to assess the diet of a healthy and sick person. K_D.W34. (pharmacy)
W6: is familiar with the basics of drug-food interaction. K_D.W35. (pharmacy)
Learning outcomes - skills
U1: is able to characterize food products in terms of their composition and nutritional value. K_D.U23. (pharmacy)
U2: is able to assess the nutritional value of food by calculation and analytical methods (including gas and liquid chromatography and atomic absorption spectrometry). K_D.U24. (pharmacy)
U3: has the ability to assess the diet in terms of covering energy needs and essential nutrients in health and illness. K_D.U25. (pharmacy)
U4: has the ability to explain the principles and role of proper nutrition in the prevention and course of diseases. K_D.U26. (pharmacy)
U5: is able to exposure of the human body to contaminants present in food. K_D.U27. (pharmacy)
U6: can predict the effects of changes in the concentration of the active substance in the blood as a result of eating certain food products. K_D.U28. (pharmacy)
U7: is able to provide information on the use of nutritional preparations and dietary supplements. K_D.U31. (pharmacy)
U8: is able to assess the quality of products containing herbal medicinal raw materials. K_D.U32. (pharmacy)
Learning outcomes - social competencies
K1: is ready to see and recognize their own limitations, make a self-assessment of deficits and educational needs. K2. (pharmacy)
K2: has a habit of using of promoting health-oriented behaviours. K6. (pharmacy)
K3: has a habit of using objective sources of information. K7. (pharmacy)
K4: draws and phrases conclusions from own measurements or observation. K8. (pharmacy)
Teaching methods
- problematic lecture with multimedia presentation.
Observation/demonstration teaching methods
- display
- drama
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
- participatory lecture
- discussion
- problem-based lecture
- description
Exploratory teaching methods
- points system
- brainstorming
- seminar
Online teaching methods
- exchange and discussion methods
- content-presentation-oriented methods
- methods developing reflexive thinking
- cooperation-based methods
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
Test: W1, W2, W5, U3, U4, U5, U6, U7, U8, K2, K4, K5.
Assessment criteria:
The course is passed if the student actively participated in didactic classes and obtained the appropriate number of points.
Presence at 60% of lectures. Active participating in the course,
written test.
The points obtained are converted into marks according to the following scale:
* fail (2.0) - 0-59 pts (0-59%)
* satisfactory ( 3.0) – 50-66 pts (60-66%)
* satisfactory plus (3.5) – 67-73 pts (67-73%)
* good (4.0) – 74-80 pts (74-80%)
* good plus (4.5) – 81-87 pts (81-87%)
* very good (5.0) – 88-100 pts (88-100%)
Practical placement
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: