Conducted in
Erasmus code: 12.1
ISCED code: 0912
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Department of Cardiology and Internal Diseases
Faculty of Medicine)
2.2. Cardiovascular Pathology 1655-LekM4CSNPAT-J
Seminars topics
1.Atherosclerosis – pathology, epidemiology and clinical consequences to the heart and vessels.
2. Ischemic heart disease, myocarditis, heart tumors.
3. Pathophysiological background of changes in the cardiac conduction system and their consequences.
Total student workload
1.Total student`s workload connected with assistant participation
- seminars – 6 hours
- consultations – 1 hour
- test - 1 hour
Total – 8 hours – 0,32 ECTS point
2. Time allocated to student`s alone work:
- seminars – 6 hours
- consultations – 1 hour
- preparing to the test – 2 hours
- test – 1 hour
Total working time needed to reach the education goals – 10 hours it is 0,4 ECTS point.
3. Student`s workload related to scientific research – not applicable
4. Time needed to prepare to final grade: – 2 hours it is 0,08 ECTS point)
5. Total student`s practical workload – not applicable
6. Time of mandatory practice – not applicable
Learning outcomes - knowledge
W1 – student knows concepts related to specific heart and vessels pathology, macroscopic and microscopic images and the clinical course of pathomorphological changes in heart and vessels (C.W31);
W2 – student describes the consequences of progressive pathological changes for topographically adjacent organs (C.W32)
W3 – student enumerates internal and external, modifiable and non-modifiable pathogenic factors of cardiovascular diseases (C.W33)
W4 – student enumerates the clinical manifestations of the most common diseases of cardiovascular system (C.W34).
Learning outcomes - skills
U1 – student correlates images of tissue and organ damage with the clinical symptoms of disease, medical history and results of laboratory determinations (C.U11)
U2 – student analyses an influence of different etiological factors on cardiovascular system and predicts effects of theirs action (C.U12)
Learning outcomes - social competencies
K1 – student demonstrates awareness of own limitations and ability to pursue continuing education (K.K01)
K2 – student demonstrates a habit of and skills related to pursuing continuing education (K.K08)
Teaching methods
- problems presentation
- discussing of examples
Completion of the subjects - Anatomy, Human Physiology, and the course Anatomy and Physiology of the Cardiovascular System.
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
To pass the „ Heart and vessels pathology” course student has to
attend the required number of hours of seminars and pass the final test in the subject "Cardiology", where 3 questions are related to the subject "Pathology of the heart and vessels".
Practical placement
Not applicable
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: