2.4. Cardiology
Seminar topics:
1. ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and other acute coronary syndromes
2. Stable ischemic heart disease
3. Acute heart failure
4. Chronic heart failure
5. Sudden cardiac death
6. Atrial fibrillation
7. Pulmonary embolism
8. Infective endocarditis
Total student workload
1. Total student`s workload connected with assistant participation:
- participation in classes – 22 hours
- participation in seminars – 16 hours
- lectures – 6 hours
- consultations – 2 hours
- practical pass – 1 hour
- test – 1,5 hour
- practical exam – 1,5 hours
Student`s workload connected with necessity of assistant participation – 50 hours (2 ECTS points)
2. Time allocated to student`s alone work:
- participation in classes – 22 hours
- participation in seminars – 16 hours
- lectures – 6 hours
- consultations – 2 hours
- preparation to classes – 10 hours
- preparation to the exam – 10 hours
- practical pass – 1 hour
- test – 1,5 hour
- practical exam – 1,5 hours
Total working time needed to reach the education goals – 70 hours (2,8 ECTS points).
Learning outcomes - knowledge
W01 – student knows and understands environmental and epidemiological determinants of the most common diseases of cardio-vascular system (E.W1)
W02 – student knows causes, symptoms, complications, and principles of diagnosis and treatment of the most common cardiovascular diseases in adults including: ischaemic heart disease, heart defects, diseases of the myocardium, pericardium and endocardium, heart failure (acute and chronic), arterial and vascular diseases, primary and secondary arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension (E.W7)
W03 – student knows an indication to monitoring therapy (F.W6)
Learning outcomes - skills
U01 – student performs a full and targeted physical examination of an adult patient (EK_U3)
U02 – students explains the anatomical basis of physical examination (A.U3)
U03 – student collects samples for laboratory testing (E.U28)
U04 - student interprets laboratory test results and identify the causes of deviations from the norm (E.U24)
U05 – student correlates images of tissue and organ damage with the clinical symptoms of disease, medical history and results of laboratory determinations (C. U11)
U06– student can evaluate a patient’s general condition and level of consciousness and awareness and life threatening conditions like ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, bradyarrhytmia, cardiogenic shock (E.U7, E.U14)
U07: student can perform basic medical procedures, including:
1) taking temperature (core and peripheral) and pulse, non-invasive pressure measurement,
2) monitoring vital signs using a cardiac monitor, pulse oximeter,
3) standard resting electrocardiogram with interpretation, electrical cardioversion, defibrillation (E.U29)
U08 – student correlates images of tissue and organ damage with the clinical symptoms of disease, medical history
and results of laboratory determinations student (C.U11)
U9 – student can perform a differential diagnosis of the most common diseases in adults (E.U12)
U10 – student can select drugs and their appropriate doses in order to correct pathological changes in the organism and
in individual organ (C. U14)
U11 – student can plan specialist consultations (E.U32)
U12 – student can manage the medical records of a patient (E.U38)
U13 – student provides assistance in performing the following medical procedures:
a)pleural drainage,
b) pericardiocentesis (E.U30)
U14 – student plans diagnostic, treatment and prophylactic procedures (E.U16)
U15 – student respects patient`s rights (D.U15)
Learning outcomes - social competencies
K01: awareness of own limitations and ability to pursue continuing education (K.K1)
K02 - ability to observe medical confidentiality and other patient rights (including the right to information,
intimacy, informed decision, dignified dying)(K.K6)
K03 - ability to cooperate with representatives of other healthcare professions (K.K7)
K04 - habit of and skills related to pursuing continuing (K.K8)
K05 - awareness of own limitations and ability to pursue continuing education (K.K1)
K06 - ability to work under uncertainty and stress (K.K2)
K07 - ability to establish and maintain close and respectful relationships with patients (K.K3)
K08 - ability to consider patients’ well-being as a priority (K.K4)
K09 - respect to patients and understanding of worldview and cultural differences (K.K5)
Teaching methods
E-learning – informative lecture
- analysis of medical cases
- educational discussion
- practical exercise
- analysis of medical cases
- practical classes in Medical Simulations Center (3 hours)
Type of course
compulsory course
Knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology of cardiovascular system (completion of subjects - Anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system and Pathology of the cardiovascular system).
Physical examination of adult patient.
Basic knowledge of laboratory tests used in cardiovascular diseases.
Basic knowledge of ECG interpretation.
Basic knowledge of medications used in cardiovascular diseases treatment.
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
In order to pass the "Cardiology" course, the student has to take part in the required number of hours of exercises and seminars, prepare a case report of the indicated patient and pass the final test.
The test consists of 60 questions, the content of which relates to the knowledge provided at the seminars and contained in the textbook (W01, W02, W03, U02, U04, U06, U8).
To pass the final test student has to answer 60% of the questions, i.e. obtaining 36 points.
insufficient - <36 points (60%)
satisfactory - 42-36 points (70-68%)
sufficient plus - 47-43 points (71-79%)
good - 52-58 points (80-87%)
good plus - 54-53 points (88-91%)
very good - 60-55 points (92-100%)
Practical placement
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: