Preparation for Medical Final Examination (LEK) - Internal Diseases
During 6 hours of seminars, the student recalls and consolidates knowledge in the following topics:
In the field of cardiology - acute coronary syndromes, chronic coronary syndromes, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, infective endocarditis (based on the latest ESC guidelines).
In the field of nephrology - Basics of kidney disease diagnosis. Acute kidney injury. Chronic kidney disease.
In the field of endocrinology - Basics of diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases of the internal secretion organs.
Total student workload
Study hours involving teacher participation:
- participations in tutorials – 6 hours
- consultations – 4 hours
Student`s workload connected with necessity of assistant participation – 10 hours (0,4 ECTS points)
Study hours involving individual student work:
- participations in tutorials – 6 hours
- consultations – 4 hours
- preparation for seminars – 4 hours
Total working time needed to reach the education goals – 10 hours (0,4 ECTS points).
Learning outcomes - knowledge
W01 – student knows and understands causes, symptoms, complications, and principles of diagnosis and treatment of the most common internal diseases in adults:
1) cardiovascular diseases, including ischaemic heart disease, heart defects, diseases of the myocardium, pericardium and endocardium, heart failure (acute and chronic), arterial and vascular diseases, primary and secondary arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension (E.W7)
W02 – student knows and understands theoretical and practical principles of laboratory medicine (E.W40)
W03 – student knows an indication to monitoring therapy (F.W6)
W04- student knows and understands environmental and epidemiological determinants of the most common diseases (E.W1)
W05- student knows and understands possibilities of modern telemedicine as a tool supporting the practice of medicine (B.W28)
Learning outcomes - skills
U01 – student performs a medical interview with an adult patient (E.U1)
U02– student performs a full and targeted physical examination of an adult patient (EK_U3)
U03 – student is able to explain the anatomical basis of physical examination (A.U3)
U04 – student collects samples for laboratory testing (E.U28)
U05 – student performs basic medical procedures, including:
1) taking temperature (core and peripheral) and pulse, non-invasive pressure measurement,
2) monitoring vital signs using a cardiac monitor, pulse oximeter
3) standard resting electrocardiogram with interpretation, electrical cardioversion, defibrillation (E.U29)
U06 - student interprets laboratory test results and identify the causes of deviations from the norm (E.U24)
U07 – student correlates images of tissue and organ damage with the clinical symptoms of disease, medical history and results of laboratory determinations (C.U11)
U08– student can evaluate a patient’s general condition and level of consciousness and awareness and life threatening conditions like ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, bradyarrhytmia, cardiogenic shock (E.U7, E.U14)
U09 – student can perform a differential diagnosis of the most common diseases in adults (E.U12)
U10– student can select drugs and their appropriate doses in order to correct pathological changes in the organism and in individual organs (C.U14)
U11 – student can plan specialist consultations (E.U32)
U12 – student can manage the medical records of a patient (E.U38)
U13 – student provides assistance in performing the following medical procedures:
a) pleural drainage,
b) pericardiocentesis
and interprets their results (E.U30)
U14 – student plans diagnostic, treatment, and prophylactic procedures (E.U16)
U15 – student respects patient`s rights (D.U15)
U16- student demonstrates responsibility for improving own professional qualifications and sharing knowledge (D.U16)
U17- student can critically analyze medical literature, including English-language literature, and draws conclusions based on available literature (D.U17)
Learning outcomes - social competencies
K01- student demonstrates ability to use objective sources of information (K_K01)
K04- student demonstrates ability to implement the principles of professional colleagueship and cooperation in a team of
specialists, including representatives of other medical professions, also in a multicultural and multinational environment (K_K06)
K05- student demonstrates ability to identify and recognize own limitations and to self-assess educational deficits and needs (K_K07)
Teaching methods
Informative lecture
Educational discussion
Analysis of medical cases
Passed partial exams in individual subjects covering various areas of internal medicine.
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
In order to pass the course "Preparation for the final medical examination - internal diseases", the student must take part in the required number of seminars.
Practical placement
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: