Conducted in
2023/24, 2024/25
Erasmus code: 12.1
ISCED code: 0912
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Department of Cardiology and Internal Diseases
Faculty of Medicine)
Elective Course: Cardiac Rehabilitation 1655-Lek4WYBREH-J
Seminar topics:
1. Comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation - introduction.
2. Rehabilitation of a patient after acute coronary syndrome.
3. Rehabilitation of a patient with heart failure.
4. Rehabilitation of a patient after cardiac surgery.
5. Selected problems in cardiac rehabilitation (rehabilitation in the elderly, patients with cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders, the safety of selected physiotherapy in cardiology patients)
Total student workload
1. Study hours involving teacher participation:
- seminars - 10 hours,
- consultations – 2 hours
Student`s workload connected with necessity of assistant participation – 12 hours (0.48 ECTS points)
2. Study hours involving individual student work:
- participation in seminars - 10 hours,
- consultations – 2 hours
- reading literature – 5.5 hours
Total working time needed to reach the education goals – 17.5 hours (0.7 ECTS points).
3. Student`s workload related to scientific research not applicable
4. Time needed to prepare for assessment – 5.5 hours
5. Total student`s practical workload – not applicable
6. Time of mandatory practice – not applicable
Learning outcomes - knowledge
W01 – student knows environmental and epidemiological determinants of the most common diseases (E.W1)
Learning outcomes - skills
U01 – student plan diagnostic, treatment and prophylactic proces (E.U16)
U02– student performs an analysis of possible adverse effects of individual drugs and drug interactions (E.U17)
Learning outcomes - social competencies
K01- student demonstrates ability to use objective sources of information (K_K01)
K02 – student demonstrates ability to consider patients’ well-being as a priority (K_K04)
Teaching methods
Informative lecture
Educational discussion
Analysis of medical cases
The student should have the knowledge gained during the previous education process regarding anatomy, physiology and pathology of cardiovascular system.
Course coordinators
Term 2023/24: | Term 2024/25: |
Assessment criteria
In order to pass the course "Cardiac rehabilitation", the student must attend the required number of hours of seminars.
Practical placement
Not applicable
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: