Internal Diseases (Examination) 1655-Lek4CHWEG-J
The regulations of Internal Diseases’ Examination
1. The examination in Internal Diseases consists of three parts: written test, practical exam, and oral theoretical exam.
2. The condition for taking the internal diseases’ examination is successful completing the internal diseases courses (allergology, endocrinology with diabetology, gastroenterology, hematology, cardiology and nephrology)
3. Written test for all 4th year students takes place in summer exam session. The place and the time of the exam are determined by internal diseases coordinator in agreement with the chairman of the 4 th year and are approved by the Dean.
4. Information regarding place and time of written test is available in the Office of Centre for Medical Education in English and in Departments responsible for conducting the classes.
5. A Student will be allowed to enter the examination room when he/she shows his/her Students’Identity Card.
6. Academic teachers responsible for coordinating the course of examination are assigned by the Heads of the Departments. The written test consists of 120 questions (20 questions each in allergology, endocrinology with diabetology, gastroenterology, hematology, cardiology and nephrology). The number of questions from Medical Final Examination (LEK) cannot exceed 50% of questions (60 questions). Each question has 5 answers, of which only one is correct. Student is given 1 point for each correct answer.
7. Written test questions are prepared on the basis of books which are recommended for classes in the 4th year (allergology, gastroenterology, endocrinology with diabetology, hematology, cardiology, nephrology) as well as on the basis of material presented during seminars and lectures.
8. 60% of points (72 points) are required to pass the test. Grades are given according to the scale presented below:
92 – 100 % of correct answers (110 – 120 points) – 5.0
84 – 91,9% of correct answers (105 – 109 points)– 4.5
76 – 83,9% of correct answers (96 – 104 points)– 4.0
68 – 75,9% of correct answers (85 – 95 points)– 3.5
60 – 67,9% of correct answers (72 – 84 points)– 3.0
less than 60% (< 72 points)- fail (2.0)
9. In the case of each attempt to solve the test independently (eg. by the use of phone or internet or by consultations with other students), student finishes the exam and receives an unsatisfactory grade.
10. Students may report objectives to test questions, in writing, only during the test or immediately after the test, before leaving the exam room.
11. Test exam results are announced within 2 working days in a way that ensures anonymity. The results may be presented with the usage of students’ files numbers (on the information board in the Department coordinating the test in the given year), or with the usage of student’s individual code (on the website of the Department coordinating the test).
12. Practical exam is held in the Department where a student has oral theoretical exam. Alternatively, after approval by the Head of The Department, practical exam may be arranged in the Centre for Medical Simulation. The exam takes place is summer examination session, after test exam and is conducted by academic teachers appointed by the Head of the Department.
13. A student can take the oral theoretical exam in summer exam session on the condition that he/she previously passes practical exam and written test. If he/she fails practical exam and/or written test he/she is allowed to retake it in exam retake session. When a student passes both practical exam and written test he/she is allowed to retake oral theoretical exam
14. Oral theoretical exam is carried out in the Department that has been randomly assigned to the group at the beginning of academic year (with the participation of Dean, chairman of 4th year and chairmen of all students’ group of 4th year).
15. Oral theoretical exam consists of 3 questions in the field of internal diseases. The condition of passing this part of examination is at least satisfactory grade in each question.
16. Internal diseases exam grade is calculated as arithmetical average from grades for each part of the exam (test, practical and oral theoretical)
17. A student who obtains at least 4,5 mark in the test and 5,0 mark in the practical exam, is exempt from the oral theoretical exam and receives a final grade 5,0.
18. Re – sit examinations and examinations taken by a student who obtains conditional status are carried out by the same professor who is responsible for the exam taken in exam session.
19. Marks are entered to the USOS system by the professor who carries out oral theoretical exam..
Course coordinators
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: