Holiday Work Placement
Holiday Work plecement of students of the Medical Faculty - uniform master's studies - after the 5th year is realized in the field of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Intensive Care (2-week internship in gynecology and obstetrics in closed-care institutions and 2-week Intensive Care in closed health facilities).
As part of the internship, the student is obliged to perform 60 hours, including two twenty-four-hour on-call duty, during which the accompanying doctor is assisted in all medical activities (2-week internship in the field of gynecology and obstetrics in clinics).
The aim of the internship in gynecology and obstetrics is:
1. getting acquainted with the organization of the work of the Obstetrics Reception Chamber, the birth line and the puerperal department,
2. acceptance of labor giving birth to the child, establishment of appropriate documentation, performance of activities related to the nascent lavatory,
3. observation of the delivery progress and documentation of the delivery process, including the most important parameters of maternal and puerperal status,
4. receipt by the student of a physiological labor under the strict supervision of a midwife and doctor.
5. student's participation in sewing the crotch,
6. assessment of the placenta after delivery,
7. familiarization with the operation of the apparatus available at the Obstetrics Branches / Clinics (angioscopy, pulse detector, etc.),
8. assistance in caesarean section,
9. getting acquainted with the organization of work at the Gynecology Reception Room and at the Department / Clinic / Gynecology,
10. learning about the principles of gynecological examination,
10. learning about the principles of gynecological examination,
11. discussion of the eligibility rules for patients for surgery,
12. learning the principles of work in the treatment room and keeping the treatment documentation, material collection for histopathological and cytological examination,
13. assist with gynecological operations,
14. observation of patients in the early postoperative period and keeping an observation chart,
15. treatment of patients hospitalized due to a threatening miscarriage,
16. learning the rules of preventing female and breast cancer.
As part of the internship, the student is obliged to perform 60 hours, including two twenty-four-hour on-call duty, during which the doctor on duty is assisted in all medical activities (2-week Intensive Care Practice in clinics).
The goal of the intensive care practice is:
1. familiarization with the operating organization of the operating block and the intensive care unit,
2. assessment of the patient before anesthesia and preparation for anesthesia, participation in premedicational visits,
3. familiarization with methods of anesthesia,
4. monitoring the patient during anesthesia,
5. assisting during cannulation of the central vein and artery,
6. performing under the supervision of the following treatments:
- clearing the airways,
- ventilation with a face mask,
- peripheral vascular cannulation,
connection of drip infusion,
- injection of medicines,
- proper placement of the patient for general anesthesia,
7. familiarization and active participation in the process of waking up the patient,
8. getting acquainted with invasive monitoring in the operating room,
9. learning the rules of qualifying patients for admission to the intensive care unit,
10. ability to recognize NZK, shock and acute respiratory failure,
11. familiarizing with the algorithm for dealing with critical situations,
12. discussion of the basics of conducting a replacement breath,
13. assessment of the acid-base balance,
14. acquisition of the ability to correctly assess the patient in the intensive care unit based on monitoring and physical examination.
Term 2022/23:
Holiday Work plecement of students of the Medical Faculty - uniform master's studies - after the 5th year is realized in the field of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Intensive Care (2-week internship in gynecology and obstetrics in closed-care institutions and 2-week Intensive Care in closed health facilities).
As part of the internship, the student is obliged to perform 60 hours, including two twenty-four-hour on-call duty, during which the accompanying doctor is assisted in all medical activities (2-week internship in the field of gynecology and obstetrics in clinics). The aim of the internship in gynecology and obstetrics is: 1. getting acquainted with the organization of the work of the Obstetrics Reception Chamber, the birth line and the puerperal department, 2. acceptance of labor giving birth to the child, establishment of appropriate documentation, performance of activities related to the nascent lavatory, 3. observation of the delivery progress and documentation of the delivery process, including the most important parameters of maternal and puerperal status, 4. receipt by the student of a physiological labor under the strict supervision of a midwife and doctor. 5. student's participation in sewing the crotch, 6. assessment of the placenta after delivery, 7. familiarization with the operation of the apparatus available at the Obstetrics Branches / Clinics (angioscopy, pulse detector, etc.), 8. assistance in caesarean section, 9. getting acquainted with the organization of work at the Gynecology Reception Room and at the Department / Clinic / Gynecology, 10. learning about the principles of gynecological examination, 10. learning about the principles of gynecological examination, 11. discussion of the eligibility rules for patients for surgery, 12. learning the principles of work in the treatment room and keeping the treatment documentation, material collection for histopathological and cytological examination, 13. assist with gynecological operations, 14. observation of patients in the early postoperative period and keeping an observation chart, 15. treatment of patients hospitalized due to a threatening miscarriage, 16. learning the rules of preventing female and breast cancer. As part of the internship, the student is obliged to perform 60 hours, including two twenty-four-hour on-call duty, during which the doctor on duty is assisted in all medical activities (2-week Intensive Care Practice in clinics). The goal of the intensive care practice is: 1. familiarization with the operating organization of the operating block and the intensive care unit, 2. assessment of the patient before anesthesia and preparation for anesthesia, participation in premedicational visits, 3. familiarization with methods of anesthesia, 4. monitoring the patient during anesthesia, 5. assisting during cannulation of the central vein and artery, 6. performing under the supervision of the following treatments: - clearing the airways, - ventilation with a face mask, - peripheral vascular cannulation, connection of drip infusion, - injection of medicines, - proper placement of the patient for general anesthesia, 7. familiarization and active participation in the process of waking up the patient, 8. getting acquainted with invasive monitoring in the operating room, 9. learning the rules of qualifying patients for admission to the intensive care unit, 10. ability to recognize NZK, shock and acute respiratory failure, 11. familiarizing with the algorithm for dealing with critical situations, 12. discussion of the basics of conducting a replacement breath, 13. assessment of the acid-base balance, 14. acquisition of the ability to correctly assess the patient in the intensive care unit based on monitoring and physical examination.
Total student workload
1) Attendance and participation in didactic activity (contact hours, activity) - 120
2) Students' individual work time (preparation for the placement, studying the designated literature, preparation) - 20
The total student workload: 140
Learning outcomes - knowledge
F.W4. knows the principles of perioperative safety, preparing the patient for surgery, administering general and local anesthesia and controlled sedation.
F.W5. knows the principles of postoperative treatment with consideration of analgesic therapy and postoperative monitoring.
F.W6. is aware of the indications and principles of intensive care.
F.W7. is familiar with the current guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation of newborns, children and adults; F.W14.
F.W15. is familiar with the principles of suspicion and diagnosis of brain death.
Learning outcomes - skills
F.U10. performs basic resuscitation procedures with an automated external defibrillator and other emergency procedures and first aid.
F.U11. proceeds according to the current algorithm of advanced resuscitation actions.
F.U12. monitors the postoperative period on the basis of basic vital parameters.
F.U21. evaluates the state of an unconscious patient according to current international scoring scales
Learning outcomes - social competencies
K01 - is aware of his/her own limitations and has the ability of continuous education
K02 - can act under uncertainty and sometimes stress
K03 - can establish and maintain a deep and respectful relationship with the patient
K05 - prioritizes the well-being of the patient
K06 - demonstrates respect for the patient and understanding of worldview and cultural differences
K07 - respects medical confidentiality and all patients' rights (including the right to information, to intimacy, to an informed decision, to die with dignity)
K08 - can co-operate with other professions in healthcare
Teaching methods
Individual work and work under supervision of the work placement supervisor, participation in the teamwork, participation in trainings related to the specificity of medical activity of a given practice
Type of course
compulsory course
1) Completion of the 5th year of studies
Each participant in the internship is required to have a valid health booklet for sanitary and epidemiological purposes, hepatitis B vaccination and accident insurance for accident insurance.
Each student receives a personal student placement card containing the internship program; this card in combination with a valid student ID also serves as a referral.
On the abovementioned the card confirms completion of the internship.
The student's absence from work may be justified by formal sick leave. If you are ill for more than 1 week, you will need to extend your internship for an appropriate period.
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment is based on the data included in the work placement booklet and confirmed by the signature of the work placement supervisor.
Indicated by the medical institution where the placements take place
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: